N5315 Advanced Pathophysiology GI system Module 9 (N5315 Advanced Pathophysiology GI system- Module 9)
University Of Texas - Arlington
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N5315 Advanced Pathophysiology GI system- Module 9
- Exam (elaborations) • 26 pages • 2021
- $15.49
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N5315 Advanced Pathophysiology 
Core Knowledge Objectives with Advanced Organizers 
Gastrointestinal Bleeds 
1. Analyze the etiology, clinical manifestations, and pathophysiology of the upper and lower GI bleed and describe the implications this has for your clinical practice as a nurse practitioner. 
Disease	Etiology	Clinical Manifestations	Pathophysiology	Implications for Practice 
Upper GI Bleed	Bleeding varices (varicose veins) in the esophagus or stomach, peptic ul...
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