Chem 302 (Chem302)
University Of Texas - Brownsville
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Chem 302 Thermodynamics Systems-energy transfer.
- Samenvatting • 43 pagina's • 2022
- $5.49
- + meer info
Chem 302 Thermodymics Systems-energy transfer. ● Adiabatic walls: no energy may be transferred as heat between the 
system and the surroundings → no heat added or removed and no 
change in entropy 
○ ∆U=-W; ∆S=0 
● Diathermal walls: the temperature of the system and the surroundings are the 
same (thermal equilibrium: the surroundings are sufficiently large so that their 
heat capacity is infinite and they can transfer heat to or from the surroundings 
with no change in temperature) ...

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