BIOL 3202 (BIOL 3202)
University Of Texas - Health Science Center At Houston
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BIOL 3202 Blood Vessels-Cardio Test complete test latest upload
- Exam (elaborations) • 10 pages • 2021
- $10.39
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BIOL 3202 Blood Vessels-Cardio Test complete test latest upload 
1. One compensatory mechanism for gram negative shock is 
A. decrease heart rate 
B. a negative inotropic effect 
C. generalized vasodilation 
D. increased heart rate 
E. none of the above 
2. The vasoconstrictor center functions primarily through the 
A. somatic nervous system 
B. sympathetic nervous system 
C. parasympathetic nervous system 
D. thyroid gland 
E. None of the above 
3. The major factor affecting total peripheral re...

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