University of Texas Permian Basin
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History 1301 Exam 1 Questions and answers, rated A+. Complete review. 
aztecs--The Aztecs were a Pre–Columbian Mesoamerican people of central Mexico in the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries. They called themselves Mexica. The Republic of Mexico and its capital, Mexico City, derive their names from the word "Mexica 
anasazi--The Anasazi ("Ancient Ones"), thought to be ancestors of the modern Pueblo Indians, inhabited the Four Corners country of southern Utah, southwestern Colorado, northwester...
Exam 2 1301 History Questions and answers, 100% Accurate, Graded A+ 
deists--Included founding fathers such as jefferson and franklin 
Unitarianism stressed--reason and conscience 
Universalists believed that--everyone can be saved 
which of the following religous movements arising in the 19th century attracted mainly poor people?--Universalism 
camp meetings and circuit riders appealed most to--frontier people 
African americans found the methodist and baptist churches especiall...
Exam 3 Flashcards Us History 1301, Top Exam Questions and answers, 100% Accurate. Graded A+ 
George Washington won 38 of 69 electoral votes to become the first president	F 
Congress Initially set the number of supreme court Justices at 9	F 
The Bill of Rights Consisted of the first 10 amendments to the Constitution	T 
according to alexander hamilton the us needed a national bank to provide a stavle currency and to assure capital for development	T 
Alexander Hamilton believed the US eco...
History (1301) Exam 3, Review Questions sections and answers, 100% Accurate. RATED A+ 
John C. Calhoun--–Vice President – not able to openly protest 
South Carolina Exposition and Protest written anonymously 
In the spirit of the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions 
Principle of Nullification 
Only way for minority to protect itself against the tyranny of the majority 
–(tyler presidency) John C. Calhoun (Sec of State) complicates matters 
‘justified the annexation as a defensive move to...
History (1301) Exam 1. Top Questions and answers, rated A+ 
muslim city–states--.. 
The Crusades--large class of knights in europe has nobody to fight. pope urban II calls for a Crusade to retake the Holy Land. 
First Crusade (1095–1099) 
–ends with siege and fall of Jerusalem 
Second Crusade (1147–1149) 
–response to Muslim recapture of Edessa, largely unsuccessful 
Emergence of Salah al–Din 
–sultan of Egypt, consolidates power in syria... Battle of Hattin...
History 1301 Exam 3, Top Questions and answers, 100% Accurate. Verified. 
Thomas Jefferson--–3rd president elected in 1800 election 
–runs agains Aaron Burr 
–Gets rid off all Acts emposed by Hamilton except the naturalization act 
–He serves 2 terms in office 
–leaves country in good condition
Exam 2 1301 History, Exam Questions and answers, 100% Accurate. Graded A+ 
deists	Included founding fathers such as jefferson and franklin 
Unitarianism stressed	reason and conscience 
Universalists believed that	everyone can be saved 
which of the following religous movements arising in the 19th century attracted mainly poor people?	Universalism 
camp meetings and circuit riders appealed most to	frontier people 
African americans found the methodist and baptist churches especially attractiv...
History 1301 Mayhew Final Exam Questions & 
Answers, 100% Accurate. Rated A+ 
The Kansas–Nebraska Act was proposed by Stephen Douglas to promote the building of _________ 
Transcontinental Railroad 
Prior to the Civil War citizenship was closely linked to _____ Race 
______, formed in 1848, was the first major political party whose charter specifically opposed to slavery 
Free Soil Party