Infection Control NCLEX (NCLEX)
Nightingale College
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Infection Control NCLEX 2020 - With Verified Answers
- Examen • 14 pages • 2021
- $12.69
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Which of the following events would require a nurse to complete and file an incident report?

• When a visitor suddenly becomes weak and dizzy, the nurse checks the visitor's blood pressure and takes the visitor to the emergency department for treatment.

2. A nurse, charting the administration of medications to an assigned client at 9 pm, notes that atenolol (Tenormin) was prescribed to be administered at 9 am instead of 9 pm. The nurse checks the client’s vital signs, completes an inciden...
Infection Control NCLEX 2020 - With Verified Answers
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Which of the following events would require a nurse to complete and file an incident report? 
• When a visitor suddenly becomes weak and dizzy, the nurse checks the visitor's blood pressure and takes the visitor to the emergency department for treatment. 
2. A nurse, charting the administration of medications to an assigned client at 9 pm, notes that atenolol (Tenormin) was prescribed to be administered at 9 am instead of 9 pm. The nurse checks the client’s vital signs, completes an inciden...
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