Nightingale College
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NURSING 390 Principles of Delegation and Priority Quiz Bank > Principles of Delegation and Priority Quiz Bank | Latest 2021 complete solutions/Rationales
- Exam (elaborations) • 97 pages • 2022
- $18.98
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Principles of Delegation and Priority Quiz Bank 
Question 1 
1 / 1 pts 
A client with leukemia is being considered for a bone marrow transplant. The healthcare 
team is discussing the risks and benefits of this treatment and other possible treatments 
with the goal of inflicting the least possible harm on the client. Which principle of 
healthcare ethics is the team practicing? 
Rationale: Nonmaleficence is the avoidance of hurt or har...
Exam (elaborations) Safety and infection control
- Exam (elaborations) • 109 pages • 2021
- $15.99
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Question 1 
1 / 1 pts 
Which of the following events would require a nurse to complete and file an incident 
When a visitor suddenly becomes weak and dizzy, the nurse checks the visitor’s blood 
pressure and takes the visitor to the emergency department for treatment. 
A client has a seizure. 
The nurse, preparing an intravenous infusion, notes that the battery of an intravenous 
infusion pump is not working. 
The nurse determines that a client would benefit from the use of a walke...
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