Utah State University
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COMD 5070 Quiz 2advantages of digital techniques - correct answer possibility of making essentially perfect copies of an original & 
digital systems can be extremely flexible and allow the routine use of processing schemes that would be impossible to perform with analogue systems 
disadvantages of digital techniques - correct answer speed (operate quite slowly, and cannot keep up with the rate at which signals come in) 
more expensive than traditional electronic systems, especially for simpl...
USU COMD 5070 - Exam #3Suprasegmental Properties - correct answer •speech sound aka segment 
•SS properties apply to whole utterances, features of speech beyond single segment 
•speech sounds seldom produced in isolation, not INVARIANT - sound varies, influenced by: 
Coarticulation - correct answer •boundaries blurred, neighboring sounds affect prod 
•each segment has 'specifications', may 'flavor' neighbor (e.g., lip rounding, velar lowering) 
Coarticulation in 2 directions: -...
COMD 5070- EXAM 3 (FINAL)what is science - correct answer the study of the natural world 
4 features of the scientific method - correct answer empirical 
empirical - correct answer based on data 
deterministic - correct answer obeys physical laws 
predictive - correct answer If you do this, then that will happen 
how many semitones in one octave - correct answer 12 
how many semitones in two octaves - correct answer 24 
octaves work in _____...
COMD 5070- Exam 1- Quiz (cont. from week 1)Which of the following is an analog signal? - correct answer -Speech sounds in air 
-Musical tones in air 
-Displacement of the middle ear bones 
*All of the above 
An analog signal (e.g. from a microphone)... - correct answer -is continuous in AMPLITUDE 
-is continuous in TIME 
A table full of numbers could fully represent.... - correct answer A digital sound 
You cannot listen to digital sound via digital headphones.... - correct answer Because ...
Exam 1 for comd 5070What is science? (4 features of Scientific Method) - correct answer • Empirical- based on data 
• Deterministic- obeys physical laws 
• Predictive- cause and effect relationships 
• Parsimonious- use the simplest explanation 
SLP's use of technology (why do we use it clinically? How can acoustics help?) - correct answer • Overcome listener bias 
• Its consistent, reliable measurement 
• To describe severity objectively 
• Track progress over time 
COMD 5070 Rosen and Howell quiz 1which of the following is an analog signal? - correct answer speech sounds in air 
musical tones in air 
displacement of the middle ear bones 
all of the above 
an analog signal - correct answer is continuous in amplitude 
is continuous in time 
a table of numbers could fully represent - correct answer a digital signal 
you cannot listen to digital sound via digital headphones - correct answer because the sound is really generated by analog loudspeakers 
COMD 5070 Week 1acoustics - correct answer A branch of physics devoted to the study of sound: its production, transmission, and effects. 
dynamics - correct answer The study of the forces that result in the movement of objects. 
kinematics - correct answer The study of motion, the positions, velocities, and acceleration of body parts. _________ is concerned with movements without regard to the forces that cause the movements. 
psychoacoustics - correct answer An interdisciplinary field of ...
COMD 5070 QUIZ 2 DIGITAL SIGNALS ( ROSEN & HOWELL )which of the following is an analog signal? - correct answer speech sounds in air 
musical tones in air 
displacement of the middle ear bones 
an analog signal (e.g. from a microphone) - correct answer is continuous in amplitude 
is continuous in time 
a table of numbers could fully represent - correct answer a digital signal 
you cannot listen to digital sound via digital headphones - correct answer because the sound is really generate...
COMD 5070 Behrman Chapter 7 Quiz 5During the closure of a voiced stop, vocal fold vibration may cease because - correct answer supraglottal pressure rises to equal subglottal pressure 
For a stop to be perceived as voiceless, the VOT would generally be - correct answer 40 to 100 ms 
During the transition from a stop to a vowel - correct answer F1 rises 
Relative to fricatives like /f/, sibilants are produced with - correct answer a larger anterior resonating space 
a greater degree of con...
COMD 5070 chapter 5 quiz 3a typical range of variation for fundamental frequency (F0) during reading passages would be about - correct answer 3 semitones 
it best to compute jitter in a voice - correct answer during steady statw phonation 
in the research literature, the voice range profile (vrp) has also been called the - correct answer phonogram, phonetogram, F0-spl profile; all of the above 
the shape of the typical voice range profile reveals that - correct answer intensityand F0 both ...