Biochemistry (C785)
Western Governors University
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C785 Biochemistry Module 3 _ 2020 | Biochemistry Module 3 Myoglobin and Hemoglobin Quiz _ Graded A
- Exam (elaborations) • 16 pages • 2021
- $15.99
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C785 Biochemistry Module 3 Myoglobin and 
Hemoglobin Quiz 2020 – Western Governors 
25. What level of protein structure does hemoglobin have that is not found in 
1. primary 
2. secondary 
3. tertiary 
4. quaternary 
10. Even though the amino acid sequence between subunits of hemoglobin and 
myoglobin are not exactly the same, there are other similarities between the two 
proteins. Which level of protein structure differs when comparing myoglobin to 
1. Pri...

C785 Biochemistry Module 2 Quiz _ 2020 | Biochemistry Module 2 Quiz _ Graded A
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- $9.49
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C785 Biochemistry Module 2 Quiz 2020 – Western 
Governors University 
Primary structure consists of the order of ______ in a protein. These are held together 
with ______ bonds that are formed by a ______ reaction. 
Select one: 
a. Amino acids, peptide, dehydration 
b. Nucleotides, peptide, dehydration 
c. Amino acids, peptide, hydrolysis Incorrect. A part of the response is correct. 
Amino acids are bonded together to make proteins. The bonds holding these amino 
acids are referred to as pept...

C785 Biochemistry Module 1 Quiz 2020 | Biochemistry Module 1 Quiz _ Graded A
- Exam (elaborations) • 9 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- $12.99
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C785 Biochemistry Module 1 Quiz 2020 – Western 
Governors University 
You are designing a piece of DNA for a project and must select the appropriate 
nitrogenous bases. Which combination of nitrogenous bases would you find most 
suitable for your work? 
Select one: 
a. Adenine, Guanine, Thymine, Cytosine Correct! These nitrogenous bases, 
in combination with deoxyribose sugar and phosphate, form the nucleotides that are 
bonded together to form a long polymer of DNA - the carrier of genetic in...

C785 Biochemistry Module 1 - 5 Quiz_2022/2023 {Graded A} | Biochemistry All Modules Bundle
- Package deal • 5 items • 2021
- $32.99
- 1x sold
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C785 Biochemistry Module 1 Quiz 2022/2023 {Graded A }
C785 Biochemistry Module 2 Quiz 2022/2023 {Graded A }
C785 Biochemistry Module 3 Quiz 2022/2023 {Graded A }
C785 Biochemistry Module 4 Quiz 2022/2023 {Graded A }
C785 Biochemistry Module 5 Quiz 2022/2023 {Graded A }

C785 Biochemistry Module 5 Quiz _ 2020 | Biochemistry Module 5 Quiz _ Graded A
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- $10.99
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C785 Biochemistry Module 5 Quiz 2020 – Western 
Governors University 
Which of the following vitamins does not travel through the bloodstream in the form of 
a lipid micelle? 
Select one: 
a. Vitamin C Correct! Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin that is not solubilized in 
lipid micelles. 
b. Vitamin A 
c. Vitamin D 
d. Vitamin K 
Which lipid has a 4-ring structure? 
Select one: 
a. Sterol Correct! Sterols are lipids that contain four hydrocarbon rings. Cholesterol, 
cortisol, and testostero...

C785 Biochemistry Module 4 Quiz _ 2020 | Biochemistry Module 4 Quiz _ Graded A
- Exam (elaborations) • 9 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- $13.49
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C785 Biochemistry Module 4 Quiz 2020 – Western 
Governors University 
The polysaccharide cellulose is composed of sugar monomers linked through ______ 
linkages, with their CH2OH groups in _________ direction relative to the neighboring 
Select one: 
a. Beta; opposite Correct! Polysaccharides of nondigestible Carbohydrates (the "fiber" in 
our diets) are held together by bonds known as beta linkages between individual 
monosaccharides; their CH2OH groups are orientated in an opposi...

Biochemistry C785 Review Module 1 2020 – Western Governors University | Biochemistry C 785 Review Module 1 2020 – A Grade
- Exam (elaborations) • 25 pages • 2021
- $16.99
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Biochemistry C785 Review Module 1 2020 – Western Governors University 
Biochemistry Review Module 1 
1.	Located in nucleus 
2.	Double helix 
3.	Nucleic acid 
4.	Adenine/Guanine/Cytosine/Thymine 
5.	A-T/C-G pairing 
6.	Duplicates itself and passes on to generation to generation 
7.	Contains 46 chromosomes (23 pairs from mother and father) 
8.	Stores and transmits-chemicals and traits 
1.	Carries important info from DNA to the body (Transcription) 
2.	Used to make proteins (Transl...

Biochemistry C785 Module 1 - 5 + Myoglobin and Hemoglobin Quiz 2020 – Western Governors University
- Package deal • 6 items • 2021
- $34.99
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Biochemistry C785 Module 1 Quiz 2020 – Western Governors University 
Biochemistry C785 Module 2 Quiz 2020 – Western Governors University 
Biochemistry C785 Module 3+ Quiz 2020 – Western Governors University 
Biochemistry C785 Module 4 Quiz 2020 – Western Governors University 
Biochemistry C785 Module 5 Quiz 2020 – Western Governors University

Biochemistry C785 Module 5 Quiz 2020 – Western Governors University | Biochemistry C 785 Module 5 Quiz 2020 – A Grade
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- $12.99
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Biochemistry C785 Module 5 Quiz 2020 – Western Governors University 
Which of the following vitamins does not travel through the bloodstream in the form of a lipid micelle? 
Select one: 
a. Vitamin C ! Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin that is not solubilized in lipid micelles. 
b. Vitamin A 
c. Vitamin D 
d. Vitamin K 
Which lipid has a 4-ring structure? 
Select one: 
a. Sterol ! Sterols are lipids that contain four hydrocarbon rings. Cholesterol, cortisol, and testosterone are example...

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