WGU C833
Western Governors University
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WGU C833 2.3 Periodic Trends, Exam Review Questions and answers. VERIFIED
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2023
- $7.99
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Moving across a row from left to right, ionization energy generally ___. - -increases 
Moving across a row from right to left, ionization energy generally ___. - -decreases 
Electron affinity generally ___ as we move up the periodic table. - -increases 
Electron affinity generally ___ as we move down the periodic table. - -decreases 
Electron affinity generally ___ as we move right along the periodic table. - -increases 
Electron affinity generally ___ as we move left along the periodic table. -...

WGU C833 2.2 Electron Configurations, Questions and answers, VERIFIED
- Exam (elaborations) • 2 pages • 2023
- $7.99
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Aufbau principle - -procedure in which the electron configuration of the elements is determined by 
"building" them in order of atomic numbers, adding one proton to the nucleus and one electron to the 
proper subshell at a time 
core electron - -electron in an atom that occupies the orbitals of the inner shells 
electron configuration - -electronic structure of an atom in its ground state given as a listing of the 
orbitals occupied by the electrons 
Hund's rule - -Every orbital in a subshell...

WGU C833 2.3 Periodic Trends, Exam Review Questions and answers. VERIFIED.
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $8.49
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WGU C833 2.3 Periodic Trends, Exam 
Review Questions and answers. 
Moving across a row from left to right, ionization energy generally ___. - -increases 
Moving across a row from right to left, ionization energy generally ___. - -decreases 
Electron affinity generally ___ as we move up the periodic table. - -increases 
Electron affinity generally ___ as we move down the periodic table. - -decreases 
Electron affinity generally ___ as we move right along the periodic table. - -i...

WGU C833 2.2 Electron Configurations, Questions and answers, VERIFIED. 2024/25
- Exam (elaborations) • 2 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $7.99
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WGU C833 2.2 Electron Configurations, 
Questions and answers, VERIFIED. 
Aufbau principle - -procedure in which the electron configuration of the elements is determined by 
"building" them in order of atomic numbers, adding one proton to the nucleus and one electron to the 
proper subshell at a time 
core electron - -electron in an atom that occupies the orbitals of the inner shells 
electron configuration - -electronic structure of an atom in its ground state given as a list...

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