College of William and Mary
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Latest notes & summaries College of William and Mary
A clear, detailed, and comprehensive set of notes on learning, language, and memory for the course PSYCH202: Introduction to Psychology as a Natural Science including conditioning, acquisition and extinction, shaping and chaining, schedules of reinforcement, rewards and punishment, Skinner, latent learning, nativism, interactionist theory, Bilingualism, Linguistic relativity, Spair-Whorf hypothesis, Modal model of memory, Baddely’s Working Memory Model, Encoding specificity principle, State-de...
A clear, detailed, and comprehensive set of notes on money and credit for the course ECON102: Principles of Macroeconomics, including the purposes of money, types of money, monetary base, narrow supply of money, broad supply of money, the credit system, credit market, inflation, credit demand curve, banks, assets and liabilities, reserves, required reserves, excess reserves, money multiplier, and the Federal Reserve.
A clear, detailed, and comprehensive set of notes on maroecoconomic aggregates for the course ECON102: Principles of Macroeconomics, including the study of macroeconomics, GDP, production approach, expenditures approach, GNP, national income accounts, real vs. nominal GDP.
A clear, detailed, and comprehensive set of notes on income for the course ECON102: Principles of Macroeconomics, including GDP per capita, benefits, disadvantages, productivity.
A clear, detailed, and comprehensive set of notes on economic growth for the course ECON102: Principles of Macroeconomics, including human capital, physical capital, technology, and technological change.
A clear, detailed, and comprehensive set of notes on how development happens for the course ECON102: Principles of Macroeconomics, including ultimate causation of prosperity, institutions, economic development, creative destruction.
A clear, detailed, and comprehensive set of notes on unemployment for the course ECON102: Principles of Macroeconomics, including potential workers, employer, unemployed, labor force, labor force participation, problems, labor market as a whole, demand for labor, supply for labor, market cleaning wage, types of unemployment, voluntary unemployment, frictional unemployment, structural unemployment.
A clear, detailed, and comprehensive set of notes on the topic of genocide and history for the course HIST192: Global History Since 1500, including Raphael Lemkin, the Nazis, the T-4 program, death camps, and genocides in Armenia, Cambodia, Bosnia, and Rwanda.
A clear, detailed, and comprehensive set of notes on the topic of Socialism, Communism, Nationalism, and Fascism from 1800-2000 for the course HIST192: Global History Since 1500, including threats to liberalism after the French Revolution, the rise of Nazism, Conservatism, radical and racial ideologies, WW1, Russian Communism, the 1917 Revolution, Stalin, Italy, Japan, and Germany Fascism, Chinese Communism, and the Fall of Communism.
A clear, detailed, and comprehensive summary on the book The World and a Very Small Place in Africa for the course HIST192: Global History Since 1500, including world-systems theory and various forms of globalization experienced by the village of Niumi.