phi 227 (PHI227)
Northern Vigirnia Community College
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Ethical Dilemma: Should the ex-husband be responsible for childcare if the child is not biologically his?
- Judgments • 1 pages • 2022
- $8.69
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A married couple got pregnant through artificial insemination from a sperm donor. However, when the fetus is 8 months old, they filed for a divorce and the ex-husband does not want to be responsible for child care because it is not biologically his. What is the ethical dilemma? Discuss utilitarian approach and deontological approach.
Ethical Dilemma: Should the ex-husband be responsible for childcare if the child is not biologically his?
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A married couple got pregnant through artificial insemination from a sperm donor. However, when the fetus is 8 months old, they filed for a divorce and the ex-husband does not want to be responsible for child care because it is not biologically his. What is the ethical dilemma? Discuss utilitarian approach and deontological approach.
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