CST 151
Northern Virginia Community College
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CST 151FilmFinalEssayFinal Jeffrey Baah CST 151 – Final Essay 04/28/2021
- Essay • 7 pages • 2021
- $15.49
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The name of the film that was chosen to be analyzed and researched is

called The Godfather. This was one of the very first installments to be created in

The Godfather trilogy film series that was directed both by Francis Ford Coppola

and Mario Puzo. Puzo is the man who wrote the 1969 novel that the film was

named and inspired by. The film was also produced by Albert S. Ruddy. This

wonderful classic story is widely recognized as the highest-grossing film released

in 1972 and regarded as the...
CST 151FilmFinalEssayFinal Jeffrey Baah CST 151 – Final Essay 04/28/2021
Last document update:
The name of the film that was chosen to be analyzed and researched is 
called The Godfather. This was one of the very first installments to be created in 
The Godfather trilogy film series that was directed both by Francis Ford Coppola 
and Mario Puzo. Puzo is the man who wrote the 1969 novel that the film was 
named and inspired by. The film was also produced by Albert S. Ruddy. This 
wonderful classic story is widely recognized as the highest-grossing film released 
in 1972 and regarded as the...
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