Chapter 1: Basic Elements of a Medical Terminology
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Chapter 1: Basic Elements of a Medical Terminology ( with answer keys ) Graded A+
- Exam (elaborations) • 376 pages • 2021
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Chapter 1: Basic Elements of a Medical Terminology 
Multiple Choice 
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. 
 		1. Most medical word roots are derived from 
A.	Latin and French. 
B.	German and Latin. 
C.	Spanish and French. 
D.	Latin and Greek. 
E.	Russian and Latin. 
 		2. The word root for liver is 
A.	mast. 
B.	hepat. 
C.	oste. 
D.	my. 
E.	trache. 






 		3. Which is an example of a word root linking a suffix th...
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