ADV NUR PR NSG 6001Primary Care 5th ED Sample items
South University
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ADV NUR PR NSG 6001Primary Care 5th ED Sample Items| 2022 UPDATE
- Prüfung • 23 Seiten • 2022
- $14.49
- + erfahre mehr
Primary Care 5th ED Sample items 
Chapter 001 
1.A small, rural hospital is part of an Accountable Care Organization (ACO) and is designated as a Level 1 
ACO. What is part of this designation? Bonuses based on achievement of benchmarks 
2. What was an important finding of the Advisory Board survey of 2014 about primary care preferences 
of patients? Ease of access to care. 
3. Which assessments of care providers are performed as part of the Value Based Purchasing initiative? 
(Select all that a...

ADV NUR PR NSG 6001Primary Care 5th ED Sample items
- Prüfung • 45 Seiten • 2021
- $16.49
- + erfahre mehr
ADV NUR PR NSG 6001Primary Care 5th ED Sample items 1.	A small, rural hospital is part of an Accountable Care Organization (ACO) and is designated as a Level 1 ACO. What is part of this designation? Bonuses based on achievement of benchmarks 
2.	What was an important finding of the Advisory Board survey of 2014 about primary care preferences of patients? Ease of access to care. 
3.	Which assessments of care providers are performed as part of the Value Based Purchasing initiative? (Select all th...

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