HESI A2 Math Practice Exam
South University
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MATH 114, HESI A2 - Math - Practice Exam | South University | Already Graded A
- Exam (elaborations) • 16 pages • 2021
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HESI A2 - Math - Practice Exam - How many ounces are there in a gallon? 128 ounces (oz) What is 70% of 65? 45.5 = .7*65 For a recipe, there are 3 eggs needed for every pound of cake needed. How ma ny pounds of cake can be made if there are 40 eggs? 13 pounds of cake Evaluate: x^4 − y if x = 3 and y = 20 61 Subtract: 1001 − 99 = 902 Add: 9.43 + 11.3 = 20.73 Multiply: (226)(55.3) = 12,497.8 How many millimeters are there in 5 meters? 5,000 ml Which of the following is equivalent to 0.0009? 0.0...

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