Hesi medsurg level 1 exam
South University
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Hesi medsurg level 1 exam | COMPLETE GUIDE
- Exam (elaborations) • 19 pages • 2021
- $11.00
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Hesi medsurg level 1 exam 
1. The best operative approach to choledochal cyst is: 
a.	cystoduodenostomy. 
b.	Cystojejunectomy. 
c.	Roux-en-y cystojejunostomy. 
d.	Cyst excision and hepaticojejunostomy. 
2. A young female proved to have sclerosing cholangitis, she gives a long history of diarrhea, she is likely to suffer from which of the following? 
a.	Celiac disease. 
b.	Liver cirrhosis. 
c.	Crohnr's disease. 
 d. Ulcerative colitis. 
e.	Pernicious anemia. 
3. Portal pressure is co...

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