NR 566 / NR566 Advanced Pharmacology Care of the Family Midterm Review| LATEST 2021 /2022 (NR566)
South University
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NR566 Advanced Pharmacology Care of the Family Midterm Review| LATEST 2021 /2022
- Exam (elaborations) • 23 pages • 2021
- $7.49
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1 Know what meds you would give for asthma and COPD (LABA and intermittent use) 
 LABA- indacaterol (Arcapta). Indacaterol is a once-daily long-acting bronchodilator 
that has an onset of 5 minutes and a duration of 24 hours 
3 What to do when a patient calls you with hypoglycemia 
4 How many gms of carb is needed during hypoglycemic episode- 15 what to tell patient to do for 
low blood sugar 
5 how many mcg of dietary intake of iodine 
 Dietary iod...

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