NR 602 Midterm Exam Graded A+{2021 Exam} (NR602)
South University
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NR 602 Midterm Exam Graded A+ {2021 Exam} with Answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 10 pages • 2021
- $7.99
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•	Role-play with equipment during the course of a physical examination would be most beneficial with which of the following groups? 
•	Preschoolers/Toddlers 
•	What is the Ortolani Sign? 
-Assess for congenital hip dysplasia 
•	When performing a physical examination of a toddler, which of the following body parts would examine last? 
•	Ears and throat 
•	What are three findings using Jones criteria for Rheumatic Fever? 
-Streptococal infection, carditis, and erythema marginatum 
•	...

NR 602 Midterm Exam Graded A+ {2021 Exam} with Answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 10 pages • 2021
- $7.99
- 1x sold
- + learn more
•	Role-play with equipment during the course of a physical examination would be most beneficial with which of the following groups? 
•	Preschoolers/Toddlers 
•	What is the Ortolani Sign? 
-Assess for congenital hip dysplasia 
•	When performing a physical examination of a toddler, which of the following body parts would examine last? 
•	Ears and throat 
•	What are three findings using Jones criteria for Rheumatic Fever? 
-Streptococal infection, carditis, and erythema marginatum 
•	...

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