NRG 6001 (NRG6001)

South University

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NSG 6001 FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE-Advanced Nursing Practice I
  • NSG 6001 FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE-Advanced Nursing Practice I

  • Examen • 13 páginas • 2020
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  • NSG 6001 FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE-Advanced Nursing Practice I / NSG 6001 FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE-Advanced Nursing Practice I . ABDOMINAL AORTIC ANEURYSM Know the causes of an abdominal aortic aneurysm. P493 Understand risk factors for abdominal aortic aneurysm. P494 Development of AAA AAA expansion AAA rupture Know the symptoms of an abdominal aortic aneurysm. AAA is an important clinical diagnosis because it is associated with considerable risk of rupture and death as the aneurysm enlarges to a d...
  • bestnurse
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NSG 6001 FINAL EXAM 1 – Advanced Nursing Practice I -QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS
  • NSG 6001 FINAL EXAM 1 – Advanced Nursing Practice I -QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS

  • Examen • 8 páginas • 2020
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  • NSG 6001 FINAL EXAM 1 – Advanced Nursing Practice I -QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS /NSG 6001 FINAL EXAM 1 – Advanced Nursing Practice I -QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. More than half of all cardiac arrhymias involve the atria What are the most common symptoms caused by tachyarryhthmias For women with known cad and diabetes, which is the most appropriate to assess CAD risk Of the following, which is the best answer when asked about the advantage of echocardiogram exercise testing over thallium stress testin...
  • bestnurse
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  • Examen • 7 páginas • 2020
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  • NSG 6001 MIDTERM EXAM REVIEW –Advanced Nursing Practice I - QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS /NSG 6001 MIDTERM EXAM REVIEW –Advanced Nursing Practice I - QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. Maintenance of an Isometric ST-segment during exercise is the response of? The sensitivity of a routine ETT is effort dependent. What physiological changes occur during effort in the routine ETT? The diagnostic accuracy of stress testing is ……among women compared to men for what reasons? What do you know regarding ischemia ...
  • bestnurse
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NSG 6001 MIDTERM EXAM 3 – Advanced Nursing Practice I -QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS
  • NSG 6001 MIDTERM EXAM 3 – Advanced Nursing Practice I -QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS

  • Examen • 7 páginas • 2020
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  • NSG 6001 MIDTERM EXAM 3 – Advanced Nursing Practice I -QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS /NSG 6001 MIDTERM EXAM 3 – Advanced Nursing Practice I -QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. Of the answers below, which would be ….in defining a positive Exercise Echocardiogram? Question 19.Question :Improvements in the delivery and management of healthcare are necessary if we are to improve the overall health of this nation’s population. Which of the following are ….in your readings as strategic in the movement to impro...
  • bestnurse
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NSG 6001 MIDTERM EXAM 2 –Advanced Nursing Practice I - QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS
  • NSG 6001 MIDTERM EXAM 2 –Advanced Nursing Practice I - QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS

  • Examen • 9 páginas • 2020
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  • NSG 6001 MIDTERM EXAM 2 –Advanced Nursing Practice I - QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS / NSG 6001 MIDTERM EXAM 2 –Advanced Nursing Practice I - QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. A 35 year old female arrives at your clinic. She has had diabetes and peripheral artery disease for the past 5 years. You decide to obtain an ETT. The insurance company argues that this is inappropriate. You justify the ETT because you are planning secondary strategies to prevent future heart disease. Where could one find the supporting...
  • bestnurse
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