NSG 4067 (NSG4067)
South University
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NSG 4067 South University -Gerontology NSG 4067 Questions with Complete solutions

NSG4067 CH1 (8) Questions {Answered Correctly! 2022-2023}
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2022
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Chapter 8 
Medications and Other Bioactive Substances 
1. A nurse assesses the eating habits of a 75-year-old client who takes iron supplements for iron 
deficiency anemia. Which of the following statements by the client indicates a need for further 
A) "I drink orange juice with my iron." 
B) "I prefer coffee to take my pills." 
C) "I take all my pills with a glass of warm water." 
D) "I take my iron in between my meals." 
Ans: B 
Foods that change the pH of the ga...

Chapter 8 Medications and Other Bioactive Substances
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2022
- $10.49
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Chapter 8 
Medications and Other Bioactive Substances 
1. A nurse assesses the eating habits of a 75-year-old client who takes iron supplements for iron 
deficiency anemia. Which of the following statements by the client indicates a need for further 
A) "I drink orange juice with my iron." 
B) "I prefer coffee to take my pills." 
C) "I take all my pills with a glass of warm water." 
D) "I take my iron in between my meals." 
Ans: B 
Foods that change the pH of the ga...

WEEK 3 Knowledge Check NSG4067
- Exam (elaborations) • 1 pages • 2022
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Week 3 Knowledge Check NSG4067 
1. Most health disparities are associated with: 
---- Socioeconomic factors 
2. A group of student nurses are discussing health belief systems. Which statement 
identifying a health belief system indicates more review is needed? 
----- Weaknesses paradigm

- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2022
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Cognitive Impairment Related to Aging 
Aging is a process that cannot be controlled by anyone. We are born and we grow into 
older adults. Preparing care for older adults can be crucial for their quality of life. One of the 
most important aging processes that needs to be accurately diagnosed, treated and cared for is the 
cognitive impairment that comes with aging. As our text reads, those older adults that are healthy 
only deal with minor cognitive chang...
Most health disparities are associated with: 
---- Socioeconomic factor

- Exam (elaborations) • 2 pages • 2022
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Initial Instructions: Subject is seated in a hard, armless chair. The following maneuvers are tested. 
Task Description of Balance Possible Score Date Score Date Score Date 
1. SITTING BALANCE Leans or slides in chair 0 
Steady, Safe 1 1 
2. ARISES Unable without help 0 
Able, uses arms to help 1 
Able without using arms 2 2 
3. ATTEMPTS TO ARISE Unable without help 0 
Able, requires >1 attempt 1 
Able to rise >1 attempt 2

Cognitive Impairment Related to Aging Andrea J. Moore South University NSG4067 Gerontological Nursing Week 4 Project
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2022
- $8.99
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Cognitive Impairment Related to Aging 
Aging is a process that cannot be controlled by anyone. We are born and we grow into 
older adults. Preparing care for older adults can be crucial for their quality of life. One of the 
most important aging processes that needs to be accurately diagnosed, treated and cared for is the 
cognitive impairment that comes with aging. As our text reads, those older adults that are healthy 
only deal with minor cognitive changes, as they grow in age many of them wi...

Week 4 Discussion NSG4067 Gerontological Nursing
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2022
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Identify two strategies you can implement to provide comfort to maintain function 
with an ethnically diverse older adult with a chronic disease? This can be nutrition, 
ADLs, exercise, etc. 
Chronic diseases such as heart disease is the number one cause of death 
among Hispanics, African Americans, Native Americans and Alaskan Native 
older adults. In the Asian or Pacific Islander, heart disease is second only to 
cancer (Miller, 2019). Heart disease has modifiable risk factors which include 

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