NSG 6320 AGNP BOARD EXAM QUESTIONS Respiratory Assessment (NSG 6320)
South University
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AGNP BOARD EXAM QUESTIONS Respiratory Assessment complete questions
- Examen • 16 pages • 2021
- Disponible en pack
- $16.49
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AGNP BOARD EXAM QUESTIONS Respiratory Assessment complete questions

AGNP Board Exam Question and answers - Respiratory Assessment
- Examen • 15 pages • 2021
- $13.49
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AGNP BOARD EXAM QUESTIONS Respiratory Assessment (51 Questions) 1. Which technique best determines whether the tissues in the chest are air-filled, fluid-filled, or solid? 2. The midaxillary lin e: 3. When percussing the lower posterior chest, begin by: 4. A 65-year-old obese man with a past medical history of hypertension complains of increased fatigue during the day. The practitioner orders a polysomnogram to test for: 5. Pain from pleurisy may be referred to the: 6, An acute viral illness tha...

AGNP BOARD EXAM QUESTIONS Respiratory Prescribing (Questions 100),100% CORRECT
- Examen • 40 pages • 2021
- $19.49
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Treatment of Bordetella pertussis in a patient with a hypersensitivity to macrolides is: 
 clindamycin (Cleocin). 
 metronidazole (Flagyl). 
 sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim (Bactrim). 
The mainstay of treatment in the management of mild and moderate croup is symptomatic relief that includes: 
 beta-2 agonists. 
In adults with community-acquired pneumonia in which B-lactamase produ...

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