NSG 6436 PEDS Midterm. (NSG 6436 PEDS Midterm.)
South University
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NSG 6436 PEDS Midterm.| Graded A
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2021
- $11.00
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NSG 6436 PEDS Midterm.The incidence of congenital heart defects is estimated to be ________ of all live births.1% 
1. 2 Breastmilk can be safely stored in a freezer below 0 degrees Fahrenheit for how 
long? Six months 
2. 3 Which foreign body needs immediate removal from a five-year-old boy’s nose? 
3. 4 The most useful diagnostic test in delayed puberty is _____________________. X-Ray 
of the left wrist and hand 
4. 5 An average vision of a two-year-old child is approximately: ...
NSG 6436 PEDS Midterm.

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