Sophia Human Biology Unit 4 Challenge 3
South University
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Sophia - Human Biology - Unit 4 Challenge 3
- Examen • 2 pages • 2021
- $9.09
- + en savoir plus
1 — Blood 
Understand the makeup of blood. 
What is "erythrocyte" the technical term for? 
•	a.) Plasma 
•	b.) Platelet 
•	c.) Red blood cell 
•	d.) White blood cell 
2 — Blood Types 
Determine what blood type means and how different types interact. 
Which types of blood can a person with blood type A receive? 
•	a.) A, AB, O 
•	b.) Only A 
•	c.) A, O 
•	d.) A, AB 
3 — Red Blood Cells and Hemoglobin 
Identify the structure and function of red blood cells. 
Where are r...

Sophia - Human Biology - Unit 4 Challenge 3
- Examen • 2 pages • 2021
- $11.00
- + en savoir plus
1 — Blood 
Understand the makeup of blood. 
What is "erythrocyte" the technical term for? 
•	a.) Plasma 
•	b.) Platelet 
•	c.) Red blood cell 
•	d.) White blood cell 
2 — Blood Types 
Determine what blood type means and how different types interact. 
Which types of blood can a person with blood type A receive? 
•	a.) A, AB, O 
•	b.) Only A 
•	c.) A, O 
•	d.) A, AB 
3 — Red Blood Cells and Hemoglobin 
Identify the structure and function of red blood cells. 
Where are r...

Sophia - Human Biology - Unit 4 Challenge 3
- Examen • 2 pages • 2021
- $6.00
- + en savoir plus
1 — Blood 
Understand the makeup of blood. 
What is "erythrocyte" the technical term for? 
•	a.) Plasma 
•	b.) Platelet 
•	c.) Red blood cell 
•	d.) White blood cell 
2 — Blood Types 
Determine what blood type means and how different types interact. 
Which types of blood can a person with blood type A receive? 
•	a.) A, AB, O 
•	b.) Only A 
•	c.) A, O 
•	d.) A, AB 
3 — Red Blood Cells and Hemoglobin 
Identify the structure and function of red blood cells. 
Where are r...

Sophia - Human Biology - Unit 4 Challenge 3
- Examen • 2 pages • 2021
- $12.00
- + en savoir plus
— Blood 
Understand the makeup of blood. 
What is "erythrocyte" the technical term for? 
•	a.) Plasma 
•	b.) Platelet 
•	c.) Red blood cell 
•	d.) White blood cell 
2 — Blood Types 
Determine what blood type means and how different types interact. 
Which types of blood can a person with blood type A receive? 
•	a.) A, AB, O 
•	b.) Only A 
•	c.) A, O 
•	d.) A, AB 
3 — Red Blood Cells and Hemoglobin 
Identify the structure and function of red blood cells. 
Where are red...

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