Hand Therapy Certification
Nutritional Therapy Association
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Hand Therapy Certification Exam 2023 ( Correct Answer)
- Exam (elaborations) • 2 pages • 2023
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Hand Therapy Certification Exam 2023 
Quadrigram Phenomenon Correct Answer: flexion contracture of involved digit and 
decreased flexion force in adjacent digits. 
s/p Flexor digitorum profundus repair. 
Boundaries of Guyon's canal Correct Answer: Ulnar to carpal tunnel 
Hook of hamate/pisiform 
snuffbox base and borders Correct Answer: Scaphoid = base 
APL/EPB = radial border 
EPL= ulnar border 
Hunching muscles (protraction) Correct Answer: Serratus anterior, Pec major & minor 
10 structures ...
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