NUR 101 (NUR 641E)
Seattle Central Community College
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NUR 2633 Maternal Child Health Exam 1 Study Guide.
- Exam (elaborations) • 17 pages • 2021
- $15.49
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1.	Women’s health encompasses breast care, GYN exams, and assessments. Be comfortable with the parameters of education for Self breast exams, and what is normal for a woman to note when doing breast exam. Know normal menstrual cycle - what is the most common complaint with the menstrual cycle, and complications; (dysmenorrhea) Know STI’s and risks. 
2.	If a patient finds a breast lump how will you advise her? 
3.	What is your role in the GYN exam 
4.	Contraception - Forms of birth cont...
NUR-641E Study Guide 1.Midterm.
- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2021
- $15.49
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Understand what a prodrug is, and activation/inactivation by liver enzymes, and how it differs from active drugs. Know what Bioavailability (BA) Bioavailability is affected by chemical instability, solubility and first-pass metabolism Bioequivalence does not affect bioavailability Understand what the Cytochrome P450 system is in the liver A drug’s half-life determines how often the drug is administered? . Steady state of a drug is reached in approximately 5 to 6 times the half-life Inhalation,...
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