Ethics 111 sophia ethics milestone 3
Western Governors University
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Ethics 111 sophia ethics milestone 3 {questions and answers}
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2021
- $14.49
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Which of the following represents a potential problem for Kantian


A person who tries and fails to murder someone is just as guilty as someone who


A person in one place is subject to different rules than a person elsewhere.

A person who feels at ease with his or her actions can make them right.

A person can treat other people as means to an end without respect for them
Exam (elaborations)
Ethics 111 sophia ethics milestone 3 {questions and answers}
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Which of the following represents a potential problem for Kantian 
A person who tries and fails to murder someone is just as guilty as someone who 
A person in one place is subject to different rules than a person elsewhere. 
A person who feels at ease with his or her actions can make them right. 
A person can treat other people as means to an end without respect for them
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