University Of Wisconsin - Fox Valley
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Latest notes & summaries University Of Wisconsin - Fox Valley
Vaccinations and immunosuppression. 2 keypoints - give inactive agents instead of live agents - might not work as effectively live virus vaccine types Virus: - measles - mumps - polio (oral) - rubella - varicella - yellow fever - herpes zoster Bacteria: - typhoid inactive vaccine virus Virus: - Hep A and B - HPV - influenza - polio (subq) - rabies Bacteria: - anthrax - cholera - diphteria - Lyme - meningococcus - pertussis - plague - pneumococcus - tetanus ...
Discrepancy between anatomical sex and gender is known as? B) Gender Discordance Which of the following are risk factors for neuroleptic malignant syndrome? Select all that apply Rapid dose escalation; parental route of administration; higher potency typical antipsychotics Antipsychotic medication provides D2 blockage in the meso-coritcal pathway causing which of the following effects? B) Increases EPS Incorrect: reduces negative s/s, causes prolactinemia, reduces positive sympto...
Urine culture with UTI 100.000 colonies in asymptomatic: bacteruria 10 - 10.000 colonies in symptomatic patients but also pyuria pyuria: more than 10 leukocytes elevated erythrocytes with pyelonephritis WBC in urine false positive with tumor, urethritis and poor collection technique Repeat in pregnant women Lower urinary tract UTI and upper urinary tract UTI bladder and urethra: cystitis/ urethritis/ prostatitis kidney and ureters: pyelonephritis/ renal abcess Uncomplicate...
coup-contrecoup injury Dual impacting of the brain into the skull; coup injury occurs at the point of impact; contrecoup injury occurs on the opposite side of impact, as the brain rebounds. Scalp laceration: what, effect, management Primary head injury profuse bleeding - signs of hypovolemia Apply direct pressure Suture/ staple laceration Lidocaine 1% with epi to control bleeding, not close to nose/ ears Skull fracture: types, effect, management Primary head injury Simple...
An 80-year-old man with hypertension and hyperlipidemia presents with complaints of the rapid onset of severe low-back pain accompanied by abdominal pain that is gradually worsening. The patient appears pale and complains that he does not feel well. During the abdominal exam, the nurse practitioner detects a soft pulsatile mass just above the umbilicus as she palpates this area with her hand. Which of the following conditions is most likely? Abdominal aortic aneurysm Which of the followi...
Surgery risk classes Class 1: benefits outweigh risk, should be done Class 2a: reasonable to perform Class 2b: should be considered Class 3: rarely appropriate General rules for surgery: testing ECG before surgery only if coronary disease, except when low risk surgery Stress test not indicated before surgery Do not do prophylactic coronary revascularization Meds before surgery - Diabetic agents: Use insulin therapy to maintain glycemic goals(iii) Discontinue biguanides, alp...
Asexual person who experiences little to no sexual attraction or desire for sexual activity Binary Gender person who is attracted to people with both male and female gender identities Cisgender individuals whose gender identity matches his or her natal sex Gay person with male gender identity attracted to others with male gender identity, umbrella term for non-heterosexual people Gender social construction assigning roles and attributes to a person based on their...
Potassium Select the serum assessment that is used when prescribing drugs to treat psychiatric disorders in psychosomatic patients Erickson Select the theorist who developed the eight stages of the psychosocial life cycle Sexual abuse and Partner Betrayal Select two causes of dissociative amnesia AIMS Select the patient evaluation scale to be used before and during prescribing antipsychotic drugs Autism and Intellectual disability Select the two comorbid disorder...
2 year old speaks in 2 to 3 word sentences (family understands) Understands simple commands knows first name can copy straight line easily frustrated goes up stairs using same foot 3 year old speaks in complete sentences speech understood by most strangers knows full name, has sexuality identity copies circle stack nine cubes throws ball overhead pedals tricycle walks up stairs with alternating feet Strabisma Eye disorder -Eyes unable to to focus on same object, can...
Describe cytochrome p450 system Cytochrome p450 system is a series of enzymes used to metabolize medications Inhibitors block metabolic activity from one or more CYP450 enzymes Inducers increase CYP450 enzyme activity by increasing enzyme synthesis Describe effect on low and high albumin levels on active drug levels especially for drugs that are highly protein bound Albumin is the plasma protein with the greatest capacity for binding drugs. Binding plasma proteins affect...