University Of Wisconsin - La Crosse
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In depth notes of water and ph in regards to food science and safety and nutrition. Preparation for exam
Detailed carbs notes on background, breakdown, math problems, etc.
Detailed notes regarding big points for exam
In depth lipid notes. Math, background, breakdown, etc.
You are designing a training/education program for your employees. Considering Knowles' adult learning theory, the characteristics of a good training/education program are described.
Class notes for Medical Terminology for the Health Professional covering the integumentary system
Class notes for Medical Terminology for the Health Professional covering the cardiovascular system
Class notes covering resolution, magnification, light and lenses, optics, Koehler illumination, compound microscopes, diffraction, aberrations, fixes and stains, phase contrast, dark field microscopy, fluorescence, confocal microscopy, image processing, electron microscopy
Class notes covering vaccination and types of vaccines and reaction to vaccinations including hypersensitivity reactions and allergies.
Class notes for Medical Terminology for the Health Professional covering the eye