University Of Wisconsin - Madison
Latest uploads at University Of Wisconsin - Madison. Looking for notes at University Of Wisconsin - Madison? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for your school.
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1.	con sordini (con sord.) 
2.	senza sordini (senza sord.) 
with mutes (strings and brass, italian) without mutes (strings and bass, italian) 
3.	arco	play withe the bow after pizzicato (strings, italian) 
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down bow (strings) 
5.	V	up bow (strings) 
6.	slur (strings)	played with one stroke of the bow for a legato effect 
7.	pizzicato	plucked (strings, italian) 
8.	sul G	played on the G string (strings, italian) 
9.	sul ponticello	played near...