PSYC304 (PSYC304)
American Public University
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American Public University - PSYC 304 Perception 304 Midterm, latest spring 2021, already graded A
- Summary • 9 pages • 2021
- $11.49
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Week 4 Midterm Essay Exam PSYC304 Midterm 1.Describe the process of perception as a series of steps, beginning with the environmental stimulus and culminating in the behavioral responses of perceiving, recognizing, and acting. 2.Because the long axons of neurons look like electrical wires, and both... [Show more]

PSYC304 Week 1 Quiz with All the Answers 15/15 Perfect Score A+
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2021
- $6.49
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What is needed so a person can focus on a specific stimulus in the environment? 2. The physiological level of analysis involves the relationship between 3. Cognitive influences a?ect which level of analysis 4. The "S" in the Weber fraction stands for 5. Fechner's psychophysical methods 6. The major dependent variable used in the visual search method is 7. The theory that accounts for response criterion in a a detection experiment is 8. Our perception of the environment depends on 9. T...

PSYC304 Week 4 -Midterm Exam with Answers(latest 2021).
- Exam (elaborations) • 10 pages • 2021
- $12.49
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Tong used binocular rivalry to test brain response when the person perceived a house or a face. When the person perceived the house, activity in the increased. 2. Kamitani and Tong's orientation decorder was able to correctly predict what orientation a person was loooking at on % of the trials. 3. One aspect of the visual system that helps us achieve selective attention is 4. The incidence of change blindness when a cue is added to the scene that indicates which part of the scene has changed...

PSYC304 Week 3 Quiz with ALL the Answers(latest Update 2021).
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2021
- $6.49
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"Viewpoint invariance" means 2. Gestalt laws are more accurately described as heuristics because they 3. is the proposed reason why VI neurons can make figure-ground discriminations. 4. When Palmer (1975) showed observers a kitchen scene and then a target picture, which picture was identified correctly 80% of the time? 5. The relationship between environmental regularities, physiology, and perception is most likely established by 6. A cell in area VI of a monkey is shown to f...

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