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2023 Bio 111 Midterm Exam University of Michigan-Flint latest updated
- Exam (elaborations) • 9 pages • 2023
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- $11.49
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Elements differ from one another by their number of - Protons 
A solution with a pH is - strongly basic 
How many fatty acids are bonded to a glycerol molecule to produce a lipid ( a triglyceride) - 3 
Neucleotides - can be linked together to form a double helix 
contain phosphate groups 
contain sugar molecules 
contain nitrogenous bases 
Which of the following is the most basic level of chemical organization? - Atoms 
What is not a lipid? - cellulose 
Which of the following is an ...
Bio 111 Final Exam University of Michigan-Flint 2023 latest updated
- Exam (elaborations) • 9 pages • 2023
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- $11.49
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Which of the following cell structures is not associated with the breakdown of harmful substances or substances that are no longer need by the cell? 
A. lysosomes 
B. peroxisomes 
C. vacuoles 
D. mitochondria - Mitochondria 
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of living organisms? 
A. adaptation 
B. irritability 
C. observation 
D. reproduction - Observation 
The tertiary structure of a polypeptide or protein refers to: 
A. the presence of beta pleated sheets 
B. its size 
C. the...
Bio 111 Exam 4 University of Michigan-Flint 2023 latest updated
- Exam (elaborations) • 8 pages • 2023
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- $11.49
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A population is - All the individuals of a particular species within a given area at one point in time 
Based on past rates of birth and death you set up a logistic model of a dolphin population. This model predicts that there will be 10,020 dolphins next spring. How should you interpret this model's prediction? - There will probably be about 10,000 dolphins next spring, but many outside factors might cause the population to increase or decrease unexpectedly. 
At a certain population size c...
Bio 111 Exam 5 University of Michigan-Flint 2023 Q&A.
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2023
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- $11.49
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1. ABO blood typing is an example of 
a. Multiple alleles 
b. Codominance 
c. Incomplete dominance 
d. Polygenic inheritance 
e. 2 of the choices - a. Multiple alleles 
b. Codominance 
2. A plant with red flowers is crossed with a plant with white flowers. The resulting offspring have pink flowers. These pinks flowers can be crossed with themselves to produce red flowers, white flowers, and more pink flowers. What term describes the dominance of this trait? 
a. Recessiveness 
b. Dominance 
c. ...
Bio 111 Exam 3 University of Michigan-Flint 2023
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2023
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- $10.99
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Characteristics of true fungi - 1) eukaryotic 
2) complex multicelluar 
3) heterotrophic by absorbtion 
4) cell walls are composed of chitin 
5) adults are haploid and exhibit Haploid sexual life cycle 
6) fungi reproduce very well asexually (mitosis) ->spores 
7) no motile stage in their life cycles 
8) composed of hyphae 
9) hyphae typically form interwoven mass called a mycelium 
Chitin - complex nitrogen polyscachanide 
Haploid sexual life cycle - fusion of gametes, produces a z...
Fear of missing out? Then don’t!
Bio 111 Midterm Exam University of Michigan-Flint 2023 latest updated
- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2023
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- $11.19
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DNA template and non-template - 5' to 3' 
mRNA transcript: template - 3' to 5' 
mRNA transcript: non template - 5' to 3'. start where lowercase letter is 
mRNA sequence-> peptide sequence - 5' CUGGAUGCCCUUUCACUAGUCC-3' 
start from aug 
relationship and processes between DNA, RNA and Proteins - DNA-transcribed- RNA-translated-Proteins 
Central Dogma - theory that states that, in cells, information only flows from DNA to RNA to proteins 
Codon - 3 bases= 1 ami...
Bio 111 (Exam 2 Tonietto) University of Michigan-Flint latest updated 2023
- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2023
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- $11.09
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How did the nucleus form in the endosymbiotic theory? - The plasma membrane infolded to surround DNA 
List the evidence of endosymbiosis in relation to mitochondria and chloroplasts - 1: mitochondria and chloroplasts have inner membranes with very similar enzymes and transport systems 
2: mitochondria and chloroplasts replicate by binary fission 
3: mitochondria and chloroplasts contain circular DNA 
4: M&C have the cellular machinery to transcribe and translate their DNA into poteins 
Bio 111 Exam 1 University of Michigan-Flint 2023 latest updated
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2023
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- $11.29
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What is the smallest unit of life that can survive and reproduce on its own? - A cell 
What statement about cells is part of the cell theory? - All cells come from preexisting cells 
A theory is... - an explanatory idea that is broad in scope and supported by a large body of evidence 
When applying the process of science, which of these is tested? - A hypothesis 
What does the process of science do? - Presents the best answer given the collected evidence 
Why is each element unique and...
BUNDLED Bio 111 Exams University of Michigan-Flint 2023 latest updated
- Package deal • 10 items • 2023
- $35.49
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BUNDLED Bio 111 Exams University of Michigan-Flint 2023 latest updated
Exam review 1 for the introduction and fundamental information of ecology
- Class notes • 11 pages • 2024
- $10.49
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This document helps explain all of the beginning chapters of ecology as well as photos and definitions that will help you better prepare for the first exam. Things like levels of biological organization, physical environment, physical earth, adaption, natural selection, evolution, and much more are talked about.
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