Coun 6306 week 10 exam - Samenvattingen en Aantekeningen
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- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 20 pagina's • 2022
- $19.99
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a Would favor ethical standards that use the word “should,” instead of the word “must”. 
b Believe that their duty is to comply with basic “must” and “must not” statements in 
. codes of ethics, and nothing more. 
c Believe that employers should require specific behaviors of counselors they hire. 
d Believe counselors should determine what is ethical based on the specific situations in 
. which they find themselves. 
e Would favor judging the actions of counselors based o...

COUN-6306-21-Ethics and Legal Issues-Fall 2021-QTR-Term- wks-1-thru-10 Final Exam - Week 10
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 11 pagina's • 2022
- $24.99
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COUN-6306-21-Ethics and Legal Issues-2021-Fall-QTR-Term- wks-1-thru-10 
Final Exam - Week 10 
1. Many states have laws requiring reports of suspected abuse of all of the following EXCEPT: 
2. When reporting suspected child abuse in good faith, counselors should review their particular state statute to determine all of the following EXCEPT: 
3. In order for a counselor to be competent to engage in group work, the counselor 
4. The primary purpose of the ACA Code of Ethics is 
5. If a subpoena fo...

COUN 6306-32, Ethics and Legal Issues Week 10 Final Exam
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 1 pagina's • 2023
- $21.49
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1.	Question: Generally,counselorscreateclinicalcasenotes 
2.	Question: Once counselors have disclosed their legal questions to their immediate supervisors and havereceivedaresponseeitherfromthesupervisororfromanattorneywhoisadvisingthemastothepropercourseofaction, 
3.	Question: Inorderforacounselortobecompetenttoengageingroupwork,thecounselor 
4.	Question: ThefollowingaretrueofdistancecounselingservicesEXCEPT 
5.	Question: Withinthecounselingprofession,theprimarynationalvoluntarycertificationage...

COUN 6306-32, Ethics and Legal Issues Week 10 Final Exam (Score; 25 Points Summer 2022)
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 22 pagina's • 2022
- $45.49
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1.	Question: Generally,counselorscreateclinicalcasenotes 
2.	Question: Once counselors have disclosed their legal questions to their immediate supervisors and havereceivedaresponseeitherfromthesupervisororfromanattorneywhoisadvisingthemastothepropercourseofaction, 
3.	Question: Inorderforacounselortobecompetenttoengageingroupwork,thecounselor 
4.	Question: ThefollowingaretrueofdistancecounselingservicesEXCEPT 
5.	Question: Withinthecounselingprofession,theprimarynationalvoluntarycertificationage...

COUN 6306 Week 10 Final Exam
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 19 pagina's • 2021
- $20.49
- 1x verkocht
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1.	Question: Counselors who function according to mandatory ethics 
2.	Question: A core belief that members of the counseling profession hold concerning helping others with their mental health concerns is 
3.	Question: Law and ethics differ in that 
4.	Question: At their most fundamental level, codes of ethics serve to 
5.	Question: The best statement about the nature of professional ethics in counseling is that 
6.	Question: The term “culturally encapsulated counselor” refers to a counselo...

COUN 6306-21 Final Exam Week 10
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 11 pagina's • 2022
- $42.49
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1.	Question: Many states have laws requiring reports of suspected abuse of all of the following EXCEPT: 
2.	Question: When reporting suspected child abuse in good faith, counselors should review their particular state statute to determine all of the following EXCEPT: 
3.	Question: In order for a counselor to be competent to engage in group work, the counselor 
4.	Question: The primary purpose of the ACA Code of Ethics is 
5.	Question: If a subpoena for the counseling records of a client is recei...

COUN 6306-21 Week 10 Final Exam (100% Correct Fall 2021).
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 11 pagina's • 2021
- $30.49
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1.	Question: Many states have laws requiring reports of suspected abuse of all of the following EXCEPT: 
2.	Question: When reporting suspected child abuse in good faith, counselors should review their particular state statute to determine all of the following EXCEPT: 
3.	Question: In order for a counselor to be competent to engage in group work, the counselor 
4.	Question: The primary purpose of the ACA Code of Ethics is 
5.	Question: If a subpoena for the counseling records of a client is recei...

COUN 6306-21 Week 10 Final Exam Solutions
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 11 pagina's • 2022
- $46.49
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1.	Question: Many states have laws requiring reports of suspected abuse of all of the following EXCEPT: 
2.	Question: When reporting suspected child abuse in good faith, counselors should review their particular state statute to determine all of the following EXCEPT: 
3.	Question: In order for a counselor to be competent to engage in group work, the counselor 
4.	Question: The primary purpose of the ACA Code of Ethics is 
5.	Question: If a subpoena for the counseling records of a client is recei...

COUN 6306 Week 10 Final Exam
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 19 pagina's • 2021
- $20.49
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1.	Question: At their most fundamental level, codes of ethics serve to 
2.	Question: A core belief that members of the counseling profession hold concerning helping others with their mental health concerns is 
3.	Question: The best statement about the nature of professional ethics in counseling is that 
4.	Question: Law and ethics differ in that 
5.	Question: Counselors who function according to mandatory ethics 
6.	Question: School counselors have a legal obligation to do all of the following E...

COUN 6306 Week 10 Final Exam
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 10 pagina's • 2021
- $20.49
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1.	Question: At their most fundamental level, codes of ethics serve to		 
2.	Question: A core belief that members of the counseling profession hold concerning helping others with their mental health concerns is 
3.	Question: Law and ethics differ in that			 
4.	Question: Because there are few absolute, right answers to ethical practice questions, consultation with 
5.	Question: Counselors who function according to mandatory ethics			 
6.	Question: School counselors have a legal obligation to do...

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