Mgmt 404 week 5 - Samenvattingen en Aantekeningen
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MGMT 404 Week 2 Quiz - Chapters 4, 5, and 6 Devry
- Overig • 2 pagina's • 2023
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1.	Question:DuringtheManageCommunicationsprocess,projectmanagersmustcontinuouslymonitorrelationships, communications, and lessons learned in order to manage stakeholderexpectations. 
2.	Question:Asituationthatrequiresadecisiontobemade,butonethattheteamthatcannotmakenow,usuallyduetoneedingmoreinformationortime,iscalleda(n)	: 
3.	Question:WhichoftheseisNOToneofthethreemethodsofcommunicationthatwillbedocumentedinacommunicationplan? 
4.	Question:Allprojectteamsprogressuniformlythroughfivestagesoftea...

MGMT-404 Week 2 Quiz – Chapters 4, 5, and 6 Questions and Answer | 100% correct
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 6 pagina's • 2023
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(MGMT 404 Week 2 Quiz) Question: During the Manage Communications process, project managers must continuously monitor relationships, communications, and lessons learned in order to manage stakeholder Question: A situation that requires a decision to … made, but one that the team that cannot make now, usually due to needing more information or time, is … a(n) : Question: Which of these is NOT one of the three methods of communication that will … in a communication plan? Question: All projec...

MGMT 404 Final questions and answers graded A+
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 7 pagina's • 2023
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MGMT 404 Final questions and answers graded A+ 
Kayla, a project manager in your company, is falling behind on the project schedule. She has elected to crash the project. What is crashing? 
a. removing all unneeded project deliverables 
b. adding additional project resources to the project work 
c. adding lead time between all project activities 
d. adding lag time between all project activities 
b. adding additional project resources to the project work 
Which of the following is generall...

MGMT 404 Week 5 Homework Getta Byte Software Risk Management
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 4 pagina's • 2022
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MGMT 404 Week 5 Homework Getta Byte Software Risk Management

MGMT 404 Week 3 Assignment: Project Scope Video (Score: 20 out of 20) Week 3: Project Scope Video Assignment Due Jul 24 at 11:59pm Points 20 Questions 2 Available after Jul 16 at 11:59pm Time Limit None Allowed Attempts 2 Instructions Attempt History Atte
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 3 pagina's • 2023
- $7.99
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MGMT 404 Week 3 Assignment: Project Scope Video (Score: 20 out of 20) 
Week 3: Project Scope Video Assignment Due Jul 24 at 11:59pm Points 20 Questions 2 Available after Jul 16 at 11:59pm Time Limit None Allowed Attempts 2 Instructions Attempt History Attempt Time Score LATEST Attempt 1 22 minutes 15 out of 20 Score for this attempt: 15 out of 20 Submitted Jul 24 at 5:13pm This attempt took 22 minutes. Assignment Instructions Watch a video recording on the Project Scope Statement ( The assignmen...

MGMT 404 Week 5 Quiz
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 3 pagina's • 2021
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1.	Question: As the project manager identifies potential resources to work on the project, it is helpful to consider their professional disciplines, skill levels and their physical location. 
2.	Question: When constructing a responsibility matrix or "RACI" chart, it is important to ensure that only one person has primary accountability for any activity. 
3.	Question: Critical chain project management is an alternate scheduling technique that modifies the project schedule by taking resource const...
MGMT 404 Week 5 Discussion: Project Baseline 
According to the PMBOK® Guide, what are project baselines?

MGMT 404 Week 5 Quiz - Chapters 8, 9, and 10
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 5 pagina's • 2023
- $25.49
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1.	Question:ConsidertheprogrammersresourcehistogrampresentedinFigure8-3.Ifonlysixprogrammersareavailableto supportthis project,whichof the followingconclusionsisvalid? 
2.	Question:ConsidertheprogrammersresourcehistogrampresentedinFigure8-3.Howmanyprogrammersarerequiredduring the fifth weekofthisproject? 
3.	Question:CriticalChainProjectManagement(CCPM)attemptstokeepthemosthighlydemandedresourcebusyoncriticalchain activities,butnotoverloaded. 
4.	Question:Evenwhenaprojectteamdoes notidentifyindi...

MGMT-404 Week 2 Quiz – Chapters 4, 5, and 6 Questions and Answer | 100% correct
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 6 pagina's • 2023
- $11.99
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1- Project teams often adopt ground rules to address which of the following relationship topics? 
a. manage customers and clients 
b. manage sponsors and senior leaders 
c. protect the project sponsor 
d. protect confidentiality 
2- A situation that requires a decision to be made, but one that the team that cannot make now, usually 
due to needing more information or time, is called a(n) _____: 
a. issue 
b. constraint 
c. assumption 
d. risk 
3- The personal values of team members on high-perfo...

MGMT 404 Week 5 Quiz
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 5 pagina's • 2021
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- $25.49
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1.	Question: Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM) attempts to keep the most highly demanded resource busy on critical chain activities, but not overloaded. 
2.	Question: Critical chain project management is an alternate scheduling technique that modifies the project schedule by taking resource constraints into account. 
3.	Question: When recruiting resources to support a project, it is helpful to bring core team members and key subject matter experts on board as early as possible, to help pl...

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