Nrnp6552 week 8 - Study guides, Class notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Nrnp6552 week 8? On this page you'll find 33 study documents about Nrnp6552 week 8.
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NRNP 6552 /NRNP6552 Advanced Nurse Practice in Reproductive Health Care WEEK 8 discussion - Focused SOAP Note | Latest 2022/2023 | Verified
- Essay • 5 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- $9.39
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NRNP 6552 /NRNP6552 Advanced Nurse Practice in Reproductive Health Care WEEK 8 discussion - Focused SOAP Note | Latest 2022/2023 | Verified

NRNP6552 Advanced Nurse Practice in Reproductive HealthFocused SOAP Note Week 8
- Other • 3 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- $13.49
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NRNP6552 Advanced Nurse Practice in Reproductive HealthFocused SOAP Note Week 8/NRNP6552 Advanced Nurse Practice in Reproductive HealthFocused SOAP Note Week 8NRNP6552 Advanced Nurse Practice in Reproductive HealthFocused SOAP Note Week 8NRNP6552 Advanced Nurse Practice in Reproductive HealthFocused SOAP Note Week 8NRNP6552 Advanced Nurse Practice in Reproductive HealthFocused SOAP Note Week 8NRNP6552 Advanced Nurse Practice in Reproductive HealthFocused SOAP Note Week 8NRNP6552 Advanced Nurse P...

NRNP 6552 Week 8 Knowledge Check; All Correct
- Other • 5 pages • 2022
- $25.49
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1.	Question: Mammary duct ectasia: 
2.	Question: A 40-year-old white female mother died from ovarian cancer. The patient is asking the nurse practitioner, is there a way to prevent ovarian cancer? 
3.	Question: The Bethesda System is used to 
4.	Question: What step can a clinician take to learn more about any chemicals used in a woman’s workplace? 
5.	Question: A nurse practitioner suspects a patient may have vulvar cancer based but is uncertain what are some possible differential diagnoses ba...

NRNP 6552 Week 8 Knowledge Check; All Correct
- Other • 5 pages • 2022
- $25.48
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1.	Question: Mammary duct ectasia: 
2.	Question: A 40-year-old white female mother died from ovarian cancer. The patient is asking the nurse practitioner, is there a way to prevent ovarian cancer? 
3.	Question: The Bethesda System is used to 
4.	Question: What step can a clinician take to learn more about any chemicals used in a woman’s workplace? 
5.	Question: A nurse practitioner suspects a patient may have vulvar cancer based but is uncertain what are some possible differential diagnoses ba...

NRNP6552 Week 6 Midterm Review
- Exam (elaborations) • 20 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- $10.99
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NRNP6552 Week 6 Midterm Review. 
NRNP-6552-19-Advanced Nursing & Reproductive Health 
The ____clitoris_____ is a sensitive organ that is typically described as the female homologue of 
the penis. 
 Question 2 
1 out of 1 points 
Normal vaginal discharge has a pH of: 3.8-4.5 
 Question 3 
1 out of 1 points 
On physical examination, pale atrophic depigmented tissue that has a “cigarette paper” 
appearance is consistent with: Lichen Sclerosis 
 Question 4 
1 out of 1 points 
Criteria f...

NRNP 6552 Week 8 Knowledge Check (100% Correct)
- Other • 5 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- $25.49
- 2x sold
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1.	Question: Mammary duct ectasia: 
2.	Question: A 40-year-old white female mother died from ovarian cancer. The patient is asking the nurse practitioner, is there a way to prevent ovarian cancer? 
3.	Question: The Bethesda System is used to 
4.	Question: What step can a clinician take to learn more about any chemicals used in a woman’s workplace? 
5.	Question: A nurse practitioner suspects a patient may have vulvar cancer based but is uncertain what are some possible differential diagnoses ba...

NRNP 6552 Week 8 Quiz
- Exam (elaborations) • 8 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- $9.99
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NRNP 6552 Week 8 Quiz. 
The infertility evaluation is an opportune time to suggest health promotion behaviors 
that may specifically improve fertility, including: 
Achieving a BMI in the range of 30 to 35, if the woman is under- or 
Reducing alcohol consumption to about 4 drinks per week 
Reducing caffeine consumption to no more than 350 per day 
None of the above 
 Question 2 
1 out of 1 points 
Which of the following is a preventive measure for vulvar cancer? 

- Exam (elaborations) • 47 pages • 2025
- $12.49
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1. Sheila is pregnant and fearful of getting cervical cancer as her sister recently did. She asks 
about receiving the HPV vaccine. How do you respond? 
A. "As long as you're in your first trimester, the HPV vaccine is safe and effective." 
B. "Research has not shown this vaccine to be effective against preventing cervical cancer." 
C. "After the age of 20, the H...

NRNP6552 Week 6 Midterm Review 2022.
- Exam (elaborations) • 20 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- $13.49
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Week 6 
Midterm Review 
The ____clitoris_____ is a sensitive organ that is typically described as the female homologue of 
the penis. 
 Question 2 
1 out of 1 points 
Normal vaginal discharge has a pH of: 3.8-4.5 
 Question 3 
1 out of 1 points 
On physical examination, pale atrophic depigmented tissue that has a “cigarette paper” 
appearance is consistent with: Lichen Sclerosis 
 Question 4 
1 out of 1 points 
Criteria for clinical diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis includ...

NRNP 6552 - Advanced Nurse Practice in Reproductive Health. Focused SOAP Note: Week 8
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2022
- $7.49
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NRNP 6552 - Advanced Nurse Practice in Reproductive Health. Focused SOAP Note: Week 8. NRNP6552: Advanced Nurse Practice in Reproductive Health Focused SOAP Note Week 8 Patient Information: T.S., 58 yo, African American Female S. Chief Complaint: brown vaginal discharge HPI: T.S. Is a 58-year-old African-American female complaining of brown vaginal discharge for several days last week. She is a G0, having never been able to get pregnant. Her pap history is normal with her last pap 2 years ago re...

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