Piti impound account - Study guides, Class notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Piti impound account? On this page you'll find 21 study documents about Piti impound account.
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Loan Signing Agent Questions and Answers with Verified Solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2023
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Loan Signing Agent Questions and Answers with Verified Solutions Borrower (Mortgagor) An individual who applies for and receives funds in the form of a loan and is obligated to repay the loan in full under the terms of the loan. 
Title The document that gives evidence of ownership of a property. It also indicates the rights of ownership and possession of the property. 
Refinancing The process of paying off one loan with the proceeds from a new loan secured by the same property. 
Escrow Company A...

NJ Real Estate Salesperson Exam Already Graded A
- Exam (elaborations) • 10 pages • 2023
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NJ Real Estate Salesperson Exam Already Graded A What is the collateral in a home loan? The property itself 
When someone contributes to the construction or rehabilitation of a property with labor or services rather than cash, that contribution is called? sweat equity 
If you were buying a house that included furnishings, you would receive a written document transferring title to the personal property. This document is called a/an bill of sale 
What does a power of attorney grant someone? comple...

Arizona Real Estate Licence Exam Prep Correct Questions & Answers(SCORED A+)
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2023
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police power - ANSWER zoning enforcement 
code enforcement 
city planning enforcement 
P.I.T.I. impound account - ANSWER required on all FHA and VA loans 
Points - ANSWER lenders charge to increase their return 
either 1% of loan amount or 1/8% of lenders investment 
Prior Appropriation - ANSWER Water use depends on priority of use; "first in time first in right"; in times of drought, junior appropriators get cut off completely before the more senior ...

Mortgage Loan Origination Activities Questions and Answers 100% Solved
- Exam (elaborations) • 50 pages • 2023
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Loan Inquiry and Application Process Requirements - ANSWER-Getting pre-qualified is often the first step of someone looking to purchase a new home. It is where the borrower supplies the lender with their overall financial picture, including debt, income, and assets. The lender evaluates the information and lets the borrower know for how much they would likely qualify. An initial evaluation of the credit worthiness of a potential borrower that is used to determine the estimated amount that the pe...

Arizona Real Estate Licence Exam Prep Solved 100%
- Exam (elaborations) • 9 pages • 2023
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- $9.49
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police power - Answer zoning enforcement 
code enforcement 
city planning enforcement 
P.I.T.I. impound account - Answer required on all FHA and VA loans 
Points - Answer lenders charge to increase their return 
either 1% of loan amount or 1/8% of lenders investment 
Prior Appropriation - Answer Water use depends on priority of use; "first in time first in right"; in times of drought, junior appropriators get cut off completely before the more senior ...

SAFE MLO NMLS License Test Graded A+
- Exam (elaborations) • 22 pages • 2022
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Abstract of title (Title Report) - ANSWER-A written history of all the transactions related to the title for a specific tract of land. This will include a history of all liens, judgements, easements and covenants on the property 
Abusive - ANSWER-Under the Dodd-Frank Act, this is act of a Loan Originator taking advantage of the borrower's lack of knowledge in the mortgage process. 
Accrued Interest - ANSWER-This is the interest that is charged over the course of the payment period. 

Notary Loan Signing Agent Definitions, Complete Solution
- Exam (elaborations) • 20 pages • 2024
- $20.39
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Notary Loan Signing Agent Definitions, Complete Solution 
Borrower (Mortgagor) 
An individual who applies for and receives funds in the form of a loan and is obligated to repay the loan in full under the terms of the loan. 
Document that gives evidence of ownership of a property. Also indicates the rights of ownership and possession of the property. Individuals who will have legal ownership in the property are considered "on title" and will sign the mortgage and other documentation 

Notary Loan Signing Agent Definitions, Complete Solution
- Exam (elaborations) • 20 pages • 2024
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- $20.89
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Notary Loan Signing Agent Definitions, Complete Solution 
Borrower (Mortgagor) ​ 
An individual who applies for and receives funds in the form of a loan and is obligated to repay the loan in full under the terms of the loan. 
Document that gives evidence of ownership of a property. Also indicates the rights of ownership and possession of the property. Individuals who will have legal ownership in the property are considered "on title" and will sign the mortgage and other documentation ...

- Exam (elaborations) • 9 pages • 2023
Available in package deal
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Borrower (Mortgagor) 
An individual who applies for and receives funds in the form of a loan and is obligated to repay the loan in full under the terms of the loan. 
The document that gives evidence of ownership of a property. It also indicates the rights of ownership and possession of the property. 
The process of paying off one loan with the proceeds from a new loan secured by the same property. 
Escrow Company 
A licensed neutral thi...

Loan Signing Agent Correct 100% Rated A+
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2023
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Borrower (Mortgagor) - ANSWER An individual who applies for and receives funds in the form of a loan and is obligated to repay the loan in full under the terms of the loan. 
Title - ANSWER The document that gives evidence of ownership of a property. It also indicates the rights of ownership and possession of the property. 
Refinancing - ANSWER The process of paying off one loan with the proceeds from a new loan secured by the same property. 
Escrow Company - ANSWER A licensed neutral third...

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