Prn 1032 exam 2 2023 - Guías de estudio, Notas de estudios & Resúmenes
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PRN 1032 Exam 2
PRN 1032 Exam 2 2023
PRN 1032 Client-Centered Care FINAL REVIEW 2023

Exam 1: PRN 1032/ PRN1032 Client Centered Care I Module 1 Review (2023/ 2024) | Rated A | Rasmussen
- Examen • 7 páginas • 2023
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Exam 1: PRN 1032/ PRN1032 Client Centered Care I Module 1 Review (2023/ 2024) | Rated A | Rasmussen 
A reduction in peristaltic movement, often a result of surgery or immobility.( if you cant walk, bowel movement decrease etc) 
Increased peristalsis that can be caused by inflammation, medication, or chronic bowel diseases. 
Fecal incontinence 
The inability the control bowel movements.,( after surgery ) 
Fecal imp...

Exam (elaborations) Exam 2: PRN1032/ PRN 1032 Client-Centered Care I Exam Review (2023/2024 Newly Updated) | Questions and Verified Answers| Rasmussen
- Examen • 28 páginas • 2023
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Exam 2: PRN1032/ PRN 1032 Client-Centered Care I Exam Review (2023/2024 Newly Updated) | Questions and Verified Answers| Rasmussen 
GI Tract is made up of what - ~ANSWER The mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines, rectum, and anus. 
Accessory organs of the GI - ~ANSWER The liver, gallbladder, and pancreas 
Functions of the...

PRN 1032 Exam 2 2022/2023
- Examen • 13 páginas • 2023
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PRN 1032 Exam 2 
1. What is a Calorie?: unit of energy 
2. What are the dietary guidelines for Americans?: Recommendations for physical activity 
recommendations for smart eating 
3. Healthy People 2020 focuses on the ultimate vision of: A society in which all people live long, healthy lives. 
4. Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020: Limit calories from sugars and fats... Follow a healthy eating pattern for a full lifespan... Choose nutrient dense foods

Exam 2: PRN1032/ PRN 1032 Client-Centered Care I Exam Review (2023/2024 Newly Updated) | Questions and Verified Answers| Rasmussen
- Examen • 61 páginas • 2023
- $7.99
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Exam 2: PRN1032/ PRN 1032 Client-Centered Care I Exam Review (2023/2024 Newly Updated) | Questions and Verified Answers| Rasmussen 1. riboflavin rich foods ~ Answer: Cereal, almonds, beef liver, chicken liver, soybeans, milk, yogurt 2. What is a pro-vitamin? ~ Answer: A substance that an organism can transform into a vitamin 3. What is a vitamin? ~ Answer: A compound which an organism requires, but is unable to synthesize in sufficient quantities, so must obtain through its diet. 4. What is an o...

Exam 2: PRN 1032/ PRN1032 (2023/ 2024) Client Centered Care I | Verified Review | Rated A | Rasmussen
- Examen • 15 páginas • 2023
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Exam 2: PRN 1032/ PRN1032 (2023/ 2024) Client Centered Care I | Verified Review | Rated A | Rasmussen 
1.	Thermal regulation is a necessary function of? 
	Answer: H2O 
2.	19% of H20 intake is from? 
	Answer: Diet 
3.	Monitor a patient w/ psychogenic polydipsia for? 
	Answer: H20 intoxication 
4.	What is Hyponatremia? 
	Answer: Low sodium in the blood < 135mEq/L 
5.	You are at risk for fluid overload if you have? 
	Answer: Congestive heart failure 
6.	Bas...

Exam 2: PRN1032/ PRN 1032 (2023/2024 New Update) Client-Centered Care I Exam | Questions and Verified Answers | Rasmussen
- Examen • 15 páginas • 2023
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Exam 2: PRN1032/ PRN 1032 (2023/2024 New Update) Client-Centered Care I Exam | Questions and Verified Answers | Rasmussen 
1.	How long should you ice or heat pack 
	Answer: 20 mins every hour 
2.	When can heat be applied to an injury 
	Answer: after 48 hours 
3.	What is a dislocation from a subluxation 
	Answer: Complete dislocation vs partial dislocation 
4.	What is bursitis 
	Answer: fluid filled sac that is painful and commonly found in the elbo...

Exam 2: PRN 1032/ PRN1032 Client Centered Care I | Verified Review (2023/ 2024) | Rated A | Rasmussen
- Examen • 16 páginas • 2023
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Exam 2: PRN 1032/ PRN1032 Client Centered Care I | Verified Review (2023/ 2024) | Rated A | Rasmussen 
1.	How to diagnose ACL or Meniscal Injury 
~	Answer: MRI 
2.	Dislocation Priority 
~	Answer: Pain Management 
3.	How to treat for compound bone fracture 
~	Answer: splint the injury where the leg lies 
4.	Grade 1 Ankle A 
~	Answer: minimal swelling, no loss of function 
5.	Keep Elevated 
~	Answer: sprained ankles 
6.	Sprain treatment goal 
~	Answer: protect ligament un...

Exam 2: PRN1032/ PRN 1032 Client-Centered Care I Exam Review (2023/2024 Newly Updated) | Questions and Verified Answers| Rasmussen
- Examen • 8 páginas • 2023
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- $10.49
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Exam 2: PRN1032/ PRN 1032 Client-Centered Care I Exam Review (2023/2024 Newly Updated) | Questions and Verified Answers| Rasmussen 
Symptoms of age related macular degeneration (AMD) include? - ANSWER Pregressive loss of central vision 
Client with glaucoma is receiving eye drops, what should the nurse do first? - ANSWER Perform hand hygiene and ap...

2023 PRN 1032 Exam 2
- Examen • 15 páginas • 2023
- $7.99
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2023 PRN 1032 Exam 2 
What is a Calorie? 
unit of energy 
What are the dietary guidelines for Americans? 
Recommendations for physical activity 
recommendations for smart eating 
Healthy People 2020 focuses on the ultimate vision of 
A society in which all people live long, healthy lives. 
Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020 
Limit calories from sugars and fats... Follow a healthy eating pattern for a full lifespan... Choose nutrient 
dense foods 
Office of Disease Prevention and Health...

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