Shadow health pneumonia - Guides d'étude, Notes de cours & Résumés
Vous recherchez les meilleurs guides d'étude, notes d'étude et résumés sur Shadow health pneumonia ? Sur cette page, vous trouverez 417 documents pour vous aider à réviser pour Shadow health pneumonia.
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Clinical Simulation 2: Advanced Pharmacology Focused Exam: Community-Acquired Pneumonia Results | Completed | Shadow Health
- Examen • 2 pages • 2024
- $12.00
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Clinical Simulation 2: Advanced Pharmacology Focused Exam: Community-Acquired Pneumonia Results | Completed | Shadow Health - All the answers you need to get a 100 % on your simulation

Shadow Health Respiratory Concept Lab | Complete Solutions | 100% Correct.
- Examen • 4 pages • 2024
- Disponible en pack
- $12.99
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Shadow Health Respiratory Concept Lab | Complete Solutions. Detail normal air passage when a patient breathes. Correct ans - air rushes 
through nasal passages and trachea, bronchi , & into lungs where it's absorbed by the 
What happens during auscultation? Correct ans - Healthcare professional listen 
to the heart sounds through a stethoscope 
What are bronchial sounds and how are these sounds detected? Correct ans - 
Harsh, high-pitched, & loud sound that can be heard 
above the manu...
Community Acquired Pneumonia Shadow Health (Anita Douglas)-Subjective Data Collection.
Focused Exam: Community-Acquired Pneumonia Results | Completed Shadow Health 
Subjective Data Collection

Shadow Health Respiratory Concept Lab | Complete Solutions | Graded A+.
- Examen • 4 pages • 2024
- $11.49
- + en savoir plus
Shadow Health Respiratory Concept Lab | Complete Solutions | Graded A+. What happens during auscultation? Correct ans - Healthcare professional listen 
to the heart sounds through a stethoscope 
What are bronchial sounds and how are these sounds detected? Correct ans - 
Harsh, high-pitched, & loud sound that can be heard 
above the manubrium (over the trachea). 
What are bronchovesicular sounds and how are these sounds detected? Correct 
ans - Medium in loudness & pitch sounds that can be heard...

Shadow Health- Danny Rivera- Focused Exam: Cough Questions and Answers 2023
- Examen • 3 pages • 2023
Disponible en pack
- $17.99
- 1x vendu
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Shadow Health- Danny Rivera- Focused Exam: Cough Questions and Answers 2023 
Established chief complaint 
Reports cough 
Asked about onset of cough 
Reports cough started 3 days ago 
Asked about characteristics of cough 
Reports cough is wet 
Reports clear sputum with cough 
Asked about frequency and duration of cough 
Reports coughing every few minutes 
Reports coughs last a few seconds 
Asked about aggravating factors for cough 
Reports cough is worse at night 
Denies s...

Shadow Health Advanced Pharmacology Student Handbook V 1.3.
- Examen • 18 pages • 2023
- $11.99
- 1x vendu
- + en savoir plus
Shadow Health Advanced Pharmacology Student Handbook V 1.3. 
Advanced Pharmacology Student Handbook 
- 1 - 
Advanced Pharmacology 
Table of Contents 
Focused Exam: Pediatric GAS Pharyngitis	. - 4 - 
Focused Exam: UTI with Antibiotic Sensitivity................................................................................. - 5 - 
Focused Exam: Community-Acquired Pneumonia ........................

Community Acquired Pneumonia Shadow Health (Anita Douglas)-Subjective Data Collection Course NU 614 Institution University Of North Alabama Some users are currently experiencing slow response times on . Our engineers are currently investigating the issue.
- Examen • 4 pages • 2023
- $10.99
- 1x vendu
- + en savoir plus
Community Acquired Pneumonia Shadow Health (Anita Douglas)-Subjective Data Collection 
NU 614 
University Of North Alabama 
Some users are currently experiencing slow response times on . Our engineers are currently investigating the issue. If you are are experiencing audio issues while using Safari, please visit this article ( Help Desk for further information. Subjective Data Collection: 29 of 29 (100.0%) Chief Complaint History of Present Illness Your Results Lab Pass ( ( ...
7/25/2020 Focused Exam: Community-Acquired Pneumonia | Completed | Shadow Health

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