Spch 277n discussion - Study guides, Class notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Spch 277n discussion? On this page you'll find 56 study documents about Spch 277n discussion.
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SPCH 277N Week 7 Discussion; Communication Aids
- Other • 3 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- $15.49
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•	Lesson 
•	Minimumof1scholarlysourcethatwill beyourvideo (inadditionto thetextbook/lesson) 
Finda videoabout oneofthe followingthreegeneraltopics: 
•	Speechanxiety 
•	Deliveryofaspeech 
•	Persuasionwithinapresentation 
Once you have found the video, address the following in your initial post, using the providedheadingsto formatyour post: 
•	Title 
o	(Thegeneraltopicyouselected) 
•	Summa...

SPCH 277N Week 8 Discussion; Interviews
- Other • 4 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- $15.49
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Initial Post Instructions 
For the initial post, address the following, using the provided headings to format your post: 
•	Verbal 
o	What were some of the questions asked during an interview you have been a part 
of? Share which ones were helpful and which ones were not. 
o	What source have you found helpful in giving advice regarding the interview process? Share aspects of this source you found helpful. 
•	Nonverbal 
o	What nonverbal cues were used during one of your interviews, and did th...

SPCH 277N Week 3 Discussion; Conflict Management
- Other • 2 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- $15.49
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•	Textbook:Chapter10;reviewChapter3 
•	Lesson 
•	Minimumof1scholarlysource(inadditiontothetextbook/lesson) 
Fortheinitial post,share withthe classatimewhenyouhadtoaddress(orwereinvolvedwith)conflict in a work setting. Then, address the following, using the provided headings to formatyour post: 
•	ConflictSetting 
o	Describethesetting,thepeopleinvolved,theemotionsexperienced,andthe 

SPCH 277N Week 4 Discussion; Culture & Groups
- Other • 2 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- $15.49
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•	Textbook:Chapter8,11 
•	Lesson 
•	Minimumof1scholarlysource(inadditiontothetextbook/lesson) 
Forthe initialpost, addressone(1)ofthefollowing: 
•	Scenario 1: A colleague from another country has limited English-speaking skills anddoesnotcomprehendthegrouptask.Additionally,thiscolleaguehasthehabitofgivinggifts tobusinessassociatesattheend ofprojects.Gift-givingisan expectedpart of 

SPCH 277N Week 2 Discussion; Listening Analysis
- Other • 4 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- $15.49
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Initial Post Instructions 
Read the lesson for this week. Then, complete the Listening Exercise in the Listen Up! section of this week's lesson. Use this exercise to evaluate your listening skills. Then, address the following, using the provided headings to format your post: 
•	Listening Score 
o	State the results of the exercise and what surprised you with the questions and 
o	Consider how your listening strategy changes when you are interacting with a different culture, then share...

SPCH 277N Week 7 Discussion; Communication Aids
- Other • 3 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- $12.99
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Week7Discussion: CommunicationAids 
•	Lesson 
•	Minimumof1scholarlysourcethatwill beyourvideo (inadditionto thetextbook/lesson) 
Finda videoabout oneofthe followingthreegeneraltopics: 
•	Speechanxiety 
•	Deliveryofaspeech 
•	Persuasionwithinapresentation 
Once you have found the video, address the following in your initial post, using the providedheadingsto formatyour post: 
•	Title 
o	(...

SPCH 277N Week 6 Discussion; Relationships and Technology
- Other • 4 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- $15.49
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Initial Post Instructions 
For your initial post, share with the class how technology affects your communication in four contexts. Use the following four categories as your four headings for this post: 
•	Academic (school setting) 
•	Professional (work setting) 
•	Civic (community setting) 
•	Personal (private setting) 
Examine how your engagement with technology changes from context to context. Answer the following questions under each of the four above headings. Write your answers in p...
SPCH 277N Week 7 Assignment, Discussion (Bundle)

SPCH 277N Week 1 Discussion; Perception
- Other • 3 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- $15.49
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Initial Post Instructions 
Perception of messages is not as straightforward as we need it to be, nor as easy. Additionally, in our changing society, we are learning how to interact with people who culturally have different beliefs, values, and attitudes. For the initial post, address the following questions. Use the provided headings, and, under each heading, answer the question in a full paragraph. Please use your textbook and an outside scholarly source in your post, and make sure you cite bot...

SPCH 277N Week 5 Discussion; Grabbing and Maintaining Attention
- Other • 3 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- $15.49
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Initial Post Instructions 
For the initial post, address the following: 
•	Why is knowing your audience an important part of capturing and maintaining their attention? 
•	What cultural considerations do you need to take into account for your particular audience/topic? 
•	How are you going to keep the audience's attention throughout the speech? 
•	Find at least one example on YouTube, TEDx, or other video repositories of good attention-getting examples. Post the URL and explain how the v...

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