Supine hypotension - Samenvattingen en Aantekeningen
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Galen NUR 242 Exam 4 - Cardiovascular
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 10 pagina's • 2023
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What is the equation for cardiac output? - CO = HR x SV 
What is preload? - the heart is being stretched out 
What does preload reflect? - how much fluid is in the heart 
What is afterload? - resistance the ventricle must overcome to eject blood 
Example of increased preload - CHF 
Example of increased afterload - hypertension 
What is blood pressure? - force of blood against vessel walls 
What is systolic blood pressure? - amount of pressure generated by the left 
ventricle to distribute blood ...

NUR 390 Exam 2
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 39 pagina's • 2023
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The nurse is caring for a patient who is receiving IV furosemide and morphine for 
the treatment of acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF) with severe orthopnea. 
Which clinical finding is the best indicator that the treatment has been effective? 
a. Weight loss of 2 lb in 24 hours 
b. Hourly urine output greater than 60 mL 
c. Reduced dyspnea with the head of bed at 30 degrees 
d. Patient denies experiencing chest pain or chest pressure - Reduced dyspnea with 
the head of bed at 30 degrees 

- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 20 pagina's • 2023
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1. A primipara with a breech presentation is in the transition phase pf labor. The nurse visualizes the perineum 
and sees the umbilical cord extruding from the introitus. In which position should the nurseplace the client? 
Supine with the foot of the bed raised 
2. The nurse is developing a series of childbirth preparation classes for primigravida women and theirsignificant 
others. what is the priority expected ou...

RCIS Study Guide 2023 With Correct Solutions 100%Correct.
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 45 pagina's • 2023
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RCIS Study Guide 2023 With Correct Solutions 100%Correct. 
Kilovoltage - Answer What determines the number of electrons generated by an xray tube? 
-Frame rate 
-Pulse width 
Digoxin - Answer What medication is cardiac glycoside? 
High common femoral - Answer What type of arterial puncture is associated with an 
increased risk of retroperitoneal bleeding? 
-Internal Femoral 
-External Femoral 
-Low common femoral 
-High co...

ATI Maternal-Child Nursing OB Detailed Answer Key 2023/2024.
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 120 pagina's • 2023
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ATI Maternal-Child Nursing OB Answers 2023/2024. A nurse in labor and delivery is caring for a client. Following delivery of the placenta, the nurse examines the 
umbilical cord. Which of the following vessels should the nurse expect to observe in the umbilical cord? 
A. Two veins and one artery 
Rationale: This is not the correct combination of vessels. 
B. One artery and one vein 
Rationale: This is not the correct combination of vessels. 
C. Two arteries and one vein 
Rationale: The vein carr...

- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 21 pagina's • 2023
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HESI RN COMPASS EXIT EXAM V2 1. A primipara with a breech presentation is in the transition phase pf labor. The nurse visualizes the perineum and sees the umbilical cord extruding from the introitus. In which position should the nurse place the client? Supine with the foot of the bed raised 2. The nurse is developing a series of childbirth preparation classes for primigravida women and their significant others. what is the priority expected outcome for these classes? Participants can identify at...

FISDAP EMT OB/GYN and Pediatrics exam 2023/2024 with 100% correct answers
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 4 pagina's • 2023
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Supine Hypotensive Syndrome - correct answer Dizziness and a drop in blood pressure caused when the mother is in a supine position and the weight of the uterus, infant, placenta, and amniotic fluid compress the inferior vena cava, reducing return of blood to the heart and cardiac output. 
hypotension in supine patients b/c fetal weight 
Pediatric Assessment Triangle (PAT) - correct answer A structured assessment tool that allows you to rapidly form a general impression of the infant or chi...

NUR 390 Exam 2
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 39 pagina's • 2024
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The nurse is caring for a patient who is receiving IV furosemide and morphine for 
the treatment of acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF) with severe orthopnea. 
Which clinical finding is the best indicator that the treatment has been effective? 
a. Weight loss of 2 lb in 24 hours 
b. Hourly urine output greater than 60 mL 
c. Reduced dyspnea with the head of bed at 30 degrees 
d. Patient denies experiencing chest pain or chest pressure - Reduced dyspnea with 
the head of bed at 30 degrees 

NEW!!! AMLS 3rd Edition Post Test 2023-2024 Questions And Answers 100% Correct GRADED A++
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 8 pagina's • 2023
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NEW!!! AMLS 3rd Edition Post Test Questions And 
Answers 100% Correct GRADED A++ 
Which of the following may cause primary respiratory alkalosis? 
A. Fever 
B. Chest Wall Pain 
C. Vomiting 
D. Renal Failure {{Correct Ans- A. Fever 
A quadriplegic male is experiencing difficulty breathing and restlessness. His skin is flush and his urine isdark yellow 
and cloudy. Vital signs are BP 86/68, P 128, R 24, temp is 38 C. Which type of shock should you suspect? 
A. Hypovolemic 
B. Obstructive 
C. Sept...

Exam 2: NUR 2356 / NUR2356 Multidimensional Care I / MDC 1 Quiz Bank | Rated A Questions and Answers| Latest 2023 / 2024| COMPLETE SOLUTIONS GUIDE | Rasmussen College
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 209 pagina's • 2023
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Exam 2: NUR 2356 / NUR2356 Multidimensional Care I / MDC 1 Quiz Bank | Rated A Questions and Answers| Latest 2023 / 2024 | Rasmussen College 
The nurse is assisting a client to ambulate following knee surgery. What is a key concern when assisting clients with activity? 
 Answer: Safety 
When working with a client who has a fractured wrist, the nurse applies what knowledge about the bones in the body? 
 Answer: Short bones contribute to movement. 

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