Discussion post replies - Study guides, Class notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Discussion post replies? On this page you'll find 397 study documents about Discussion post replies.
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MATH 534 Week 5 Discussion; Hypothesis Testing
- Other • 92 pages • 2023
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- $15.49
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For this discussion, create and post a 1-2 minute video describing a real-world example of whenahypothesistestcouldbeused.Yourvideoshouldalsoincludeanumericalexampleforanotherstudent to work through in their response. The example can use real data or data that you makeup, such as values for the mean, standard deviation, and sample size. Be sure to note if thestandard deviation is from the population or the sample.In your responses to other students,showtheworkand describe thestepsyou usesto solv...

NURSING nr 603 Week 1 - Compare and Contrast Post Concussive Syndrome and Traumatic Brain Injury
- Exam (elaborations) • 15 pages • 2023
- $11.49
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Week 1 - Compare and Contrast Post Concussive Syndrome and Traumatic Brain Injury Rubric Week 1: Compare and Contrast Assignment No unread replies.No replies. Compare and contrast the following diagnoses as assigned: Student Last Name -Topic (Find the corresponding first letter of your last name to find your topic assignment for this discussion) A-I - Compare and Contrast Dementia and Delirium J-Q = Compare and Contrast Post Concussive Syndrome and Traumatic Brain Injury R-Z = Migraine Headache ...

Therapist Development Center Practice Exam 1 | Answered with Rationales
- Exam (elaborations) • 31 pages • 2025
- $21.99
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Therapist Development Center Practice Exam 1 | Answered with Rationales A hospital emergency room social worker meets with a 45-year-old man who recently immigrated from Mexico and has been experiencing severe panic attacks and anxiety. When the social worker approaches him, he says that he does not need any mental health treatment and that she can leave. The MOST likely explanation for his behavior is: A. His preference for seeking treatment from a curandero. B. His denial that he has a ment...

- Exam (elaborations) • 17 pages • 2025
- $15.00
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1. The nurse is caring for a client who had an emergency cesarean 
section, with her husband in attendance the day before. The baby’s 
Apgar was 9/9. The woman and her partner had attended childbirth 
education classes and had anticipated having a water birth with family 
present. Which of the following comments by the nurse is appropriate? 
a) “Sometimes babies just don’t deliver the way we expect them 
b) “With all of your preparations, it must have been disappointing 
for you ...

HESI OB MATERNITY V1, V2 Practice Exam 2022-2023 Questions
- Exam (elaborations) • 94 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- $18.49
- 2x sold
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 V1, V2 
Practice Exam 2022/2023 Questions 
HESI OB MATERNITY V1, V2 Practice Exam 2022/2023 Questions 
1. A 3-day postpartum client, who is not immune to rubella, is to receive the vaccine at discharge. Which of the following must the nurse include in her discharge teaching regarding the vaccine? 
1.	The woman should not become pregnant for at least 4 weeks. 
2.	The woman should pump and dump her breast milk for 1 week. 
3.	The mother must wear a surgical mask whe...

All Discussion Boards for CJUS 200
- Essay • 6 pages • 2023
- $7.99
- 1x sold
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This document includes all discussion Boards for CJUS 200 at Liberty university. Every post meets both the word count and source count requirements and citations are included in the doc. Every post received an A and some replies are included.

CDE Practice Exam Questions #3 fully solved & updated
- Exam (elaborations) • 81 pages • 2024
- $7.99
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What is the first step in the process of diabetes self management education? 
A. Assessment 
B. Goal setting 
C. Diagnosis 
D. Referral - ANSWER-A. Assessment 
Which of the following options is an outcome of personal record keeping in relation to physical activity, according to recent studies? 
A. Those who keep logs of physical activity are more adherent to other elements of therapy (ie diet, medication) 
B. Those who keep exercise logs are more likely to enroll in organized exercise programs...

PHIL 347 Week 4 Discussion: Distinguishing Inductive and Deductive Reasoning
- Other • 67 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $12.99
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Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: • Textbook: Chapter 8, 9, 17 (Introduction) • Lesson • Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook) Click on the following tabs to review the concepts that will be addressed in this activity: A valid structure is the way in which an argument is put together that assures it will pass the test of logical strength. The Basic Structure of Deductive and Inductive Arguments Click on the following links to vi...

Module 7 Discussion Scenario
- Other • 5 pages • 2023
- $5.69
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As a nurse on a general medical floor, the RN has received a new admit. Review the client data provided. 
•	Richard Henderson 
•	58 years old 
•	Male 
•	Admit diagnosis: GI bleed 
•	History: no surgical history 
•	Medical history: Gastritis & GERD 
•	Medications: Prilosec 40 mg PO daily, Atenolol 25 mg PO BID, Fiber daily, Alka Seltzer PO – states he takes this at least daily. 
Report from physician’s office: Mr. Henderson arrived to the physician’s office tod...

- Exam (elaborations) • 30 pages • 2024
- $16.99
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1.	The nurse is caring for a client who had an emergency cesarean section, with her husband in attendance the day before. The baby’s Apgar was 9/9. The woman and her partner had attended childbirth education classes and had anticipated having a water birth with family present. Which of the following comments by the nurse is 
a)	“Sometimes babies just don’t deliver the way we expect them to.” 
b)	“With all of your preparations, it must have been disappoi...

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