Nr511 case studies - Study guides, Class notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Nr511 case studies? On this page you'll find 47 study documents about Nr511 case studies.
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NR511 Case Studies (Week 3 & 6).NR511 Case Studies (Week 3 & 6).

NR 511 Case Studies Week 3 and 6
- Case • 5 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- $15.99
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NR 511 Case Studies Week 3 and 6 
In Part 1, you are given a patient scenario. Using the information given, answer the following questions: 
Briefly and concisely summarize the H&P findings as if you were presenting it to your preceptor using the pertinent facts from the case. Use shorthand where possible and approved medical abbreviations. Avoid redundancy and irrelevant information.

NR511 Question bank (Midterm Exam and Final Exam) All Chapters Multiple Choice, TrueFalse, & Questions & Answer (Newest 2021) 100 % VERIFIED ANSWERS, GRADED
- Exam (elaborations) • 159 pages • 2021
- $22.49
- 3x sold
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NR511 Question bank (Midterm Exam and Final Exam) All Chapters Multiple Choice, TrueFalse, & Questions & Answer (Newest 2021) 100 % VERIFIED ANSWERS, GRADED 
NR 511 Week 4 Midterm Question Bank: Differential Diagnosis and Primary Care Practicum: Chamberlain | 100 % VERIFIED ANSWERS, GRADE A 
NR 511 Week 4 Midterm Question Bank Q bank questions Respiratory An adult has upper respiratory symptoms and cough for the past 14 days. What should be considered? (Pertussis) Pertussis should always be cons...

Exam (elaborations) Nr511 (NURSING 511) Test Bank for Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing
- Exam (elaborations) • 490 pages • 2021
- $13.99
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Exam (elaborations) Nr511 (NURSING 511) 
Test Bank for Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing 6th Edition by Potter Test Bank for Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing, 6th Edition A Complete Test Bank for Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing, 6th Edition Authors: Patricia A. Potter, Anne Griffin Perry, Patricia Stockert, Amy Hall, Barbara J. Astle, Wendy Duggle This is a Test Bank for Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing, 6th Edition. This is not the textbook. A Test Bank is a collection of exam questions with so...

Week 6 case study - Guide to NR511 Case Studies
- Case • 16 pages • 2020
- Available in package deal
- $7.99
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Week 6 case study - Guide to NR511 Case Studies 
Part 1 
1.	Briefly and concisely summarize the history and physical (H&P) findings as if you were presenting it to your preceptor using the pertinent facts from the case. Use shorthand where possible and approved medical abbreviations. Avoid redundancy and irrelevant information. 
2.	Provide a differential diagnosis (minimum of 3) which might explain the patient's chief complaint along with a brief statement of pathophysiology for each. 
3.	Anal...
NR511 Case Studies Week 3-6/ NR511 Case Studies Week 3-6/ NR511 Case Studies Week 3-6/ NR511 Case Studies Week 3-6/ NR511 Case Studies Week 3-6

Exam (elaborations) NR 661 Capstone Portfolio Dr. Lunde Ashley Hall Chamberlain University
- Exam (elaborations) • 29 pages • 2022
- $8.99
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Exam (elaborations) NR 661 Capstone Portfolio Dr. Lunde Ashley Hall Chamberlain University 
Mission and vision statement __________________________________________________________________3 
Reflection postings __________________________________________________________________________4 
Résumé and job posting______________________________________________________________________14 
Curriculum Vitae____________________________________________________________________________18 
Salary expectation...

Exam (elaborations) NR511 MIDTERM NOTES CHAPTERS 3,4,5,7,8,11,22
- Exam (elaborations) • 221 pages • 2022
- $10.49
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Exam (elaborations) NR511 MIDTERM NOTES CHAPTERS 3,4,5,7,8,11,22 
Diagnostic reasoning can be seen as a kind of critical thinking. Critical thinking involves the 
process of questioning one’s thinking to determine if all possible avenues have been explored 
and if the conclusions that are being drawn are based on evidence. Diagnostic reasoning then 
includes a systematic way of thinking that evaluates each new piece of data as it either supports 
some diagnostic hypothesis or reduces the ...

Exam (elaborations) NR511 WEEK 1-3 LECTURES
- Exam (elaborations) • 62 pages • 2022
- $9.49
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Exam (elaborations) NR511 WEEK 1-3 LECTURES 
Primary care is different than tertiary care. The types of problems that are solved in primary care 
are different than those seen in acute- or critical-care settings, which you may be used to as a 
bedside nurse. Upper respiratory infections, abdominal complaints, skin rashes, and vague 
somatic complaints are problems that are not often encountered in the hospital setting. Even 
chronic conditions present differently in primary care. HTN, CHF, ...

NR511 Case Studies (Week 3 & 6) |Guide to NR 511 Case Studies (Week 3 & 6)
- Case • 5 pages • 2020
- Available in package deal
- $7.49
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Guide to NR511 Case Studies (Week 3 & 6)

Part 1
In Part 1, you are given a patient scenario. Using the information given, answer the following questions:

1.	Briefly and concisely summarize the H&P findings as if you were presenting it to your preceptor using the pertinent facts from the case. Use shorthand where possible and approved medical abbreviations. Avoid redundancy and irrelevant information.

2.	Provide a differential diagnosis (minimum of 3) which might explain the patient’s chi...

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