Nur 231 exam 4 questions - Guides d'étude, Notes de cours & Résumés
Vous recherchez les meilleurs guides d'étude, notes d'étude et résumés sur Nur 231 exam 4 questions ? Sur cette page, vous trouverez 33 documents pour vous aider à réviser pour Nur 231 exam 4 questions.
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NUR 356 moc2 study questions with answers
- Examen • 44 pages • 2023
- $14.99
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NUR 356 moc2 study questions with answers 
 Purposes of case management include all of the following except… 
a.	Coordination of care 
b.	Improving patient outcomes 
c.	Decrease the use of the hospital system 
d.	Improve resource utilization 
2.	As the coordinator of care, the nurse is responsible for… 
a.	Initiating the plan of care 
b.	Communicating changes in the patient’s status to members of the team 
c.	Facilitating referrals and identifying community resources d. Al...

NUR 231 exam 3 blueprint 2023 QUESTIONS WITH COMPLETE SOLUTIONS (provides full explanations and criteria)
- Examen • 24 pages • 2023
- $14.69
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insulin to carb ratio - ANSWER 1 unit insulin: 15 gm carbs 
in addition, 45-60 grams per meal 
food classification: exchange list example - ANSWER 2 starch: 2 slices bread 
3 meat: 2 oz sliced turkey and 1 oz low-fat cheese 
1 vegetable: lettuce, tomato, onion 
1 fat: 1 tsp mayo 
1 fruit: 1 medium apple 
"free" (optional): unsweet tea, mustard, pickle 
alcohol and diabetes mellitus - ANSWER -talk to dr 
-glucagon will not help treat alcohol induced hypoglycemia 
-carry identifying bracelet 

- Examen • 18 pages • 2023
- $13.49
- + en savoir plus
What is the insulin to carb ratio?: 1 unit to 15gm carbs 
2. What are the food classification categories?: carbs, fats, proteins (fiber) 
3. What 5 things should someone with diabetes that wants to drink alcoholdo?: 1. 
Talk to MD 
2. glucagon and hypoglycemia 
3. Get a medical bracelet 
4. Understand alcoholic intake quantity 
5. Educate friends 
4. What happens to the blood sugar of someone with diabetes when they drinkalcohol?: 
moderate amounts of alcohol may cause blood sugar to rise, exce...

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