Phsc 211 chapter 1 quiz - Study guides, Revision notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Phsc 211 chapter 1 quiz? On this page you'll find 45 study documents about Phsc 211 chapter 1 quiz.
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PHSC 211 Chapter 2 Quiz (Fall 2021)– Liberty University (A grade) | Elements of Earth Science
- Exam (elaborations) • 10 pages • 2021
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PHSC 211 Chapter 2 Quiz (Fall 2021)– Liberty University (A grade) 1. What mineral composition is most characteristic of felsic rocks? a. olivine, pyroxene, and calcium-rich plagioclase b. orthoclase, quartz, and biotite c. calcium-rich plagioclase and hornblende with some olivine d. particles of volcanic ash welded together 2. What mineral composition is most characteristic of mafic rocks? a. olivine, pyroxene, and calcium-rich plagioclase b. orthoclase, quartz, and biotite c. sodium-rich plag...

PHSC 211 Chapter 15 Quiz_Updated 2022/2023 - A grade | Elements of Earth Science – Liberty University
- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2021
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PHSC 211 Chapter 15 Quiz (2022/2023)– Liberty University (A grade) 
1. Which of the following statements is true concerning the units of temperature measurement? 
a. In the United States, °F are used for surface measurements. 
b. In the United States, °C are used for surface measurements. 
c. Internationally, °C are used for surface measurements. 
d. Internationally, °F are always used. 
2. Which heat process involves transfer by mass movement or circulation? 
a. Conduction 
b. Convect...

PHSC 211 Chapter 16 Quiz (Fall 2020)– Liberty University (A grade) | Elements of Earth Science
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2021
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PHSC 211 Chapter 16 Quiz (Fall 2020)– Liberty University (A grade) 
1. Record your answer from Lab Exercise 1, Problem 1 (a, b, c, or d): __A____. 
2. Record your answer from Lab Exercise 1, Problem 2 (a, b, c, or d): _C____. 
3. Record your answer from Lab Exercise 1, Problem 3 (a, b, c, or d): B 
4. Record your answer from Lab Exercise 1, Problem 4 (a, b, c, or d): _C__. 
5. Record your answer from Lab Exercise 1, Problem 5 (a, b, c, or d): _D 
A Northern Hemisphere station between hig...

PHSC 211 Chapter 4 Quiz (Fall 2020)– Liberty University (A grade) | Elements of Earth Science
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2021
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PHSC 211 Chapter 4 Quiz (Fall 2020)– Liberty University (A grade) 
Questions 1 through 23 are based on the Lab Exercise: Identification of Metamorphic Rocks. Refer to your results from the lab exercise and the Overview to assist you in answering the questions. 
1. Specimen #18 formed under which metamorphic conditions? 
a. contact metamorphism 
b. low-grade metamorphic conditions 
c. intermediate-grade metamorphic conditions 
d. high-grade metamorphic conditions 
2. What property is diagno...

PHSC 211 Chapter 9 Quiz (Fall 2020)– Liberty University (A grade) | Elements of Earth Science
- Exam (elaborations) • 8 pages • 2021
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PHSC 211 Chapter 9 Quiz (Fall 2020)– Liberty University (A grade)

Questions 1 and 2 are based on Lab Exercise #1: Contour Exercises.
1. According to the Prospect Hill contour map in Figure 9.7, the land surface could be
a. a hill.
b. two valleys with a hill in the middle.
c. two hills with a lower area between them.
d. two closed depressions with a flat-topped plateau in the middle.
2. In Figure 9.7, what is the elevation of the mine (locate the mining symbol) on Prospect Hill?
a. 100 feet

PHSC 211 Chapter 1 - 16 Quiz (Fall 2020)– Liberty University (A grade) | Elements of Earth Science
- Package deal • 13 items • 2021
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PHSC 211 Chapter 1 Quiz 
PHSC 211 Chapter 2 Quiz
PHSC 211 Chapter 3 Quiz 
PHSC 211 Chapter 4 Quiz
PHSC 211 Chapter 5 Quiz 
PHSC 211 Chapter 6 Quiz
PHSC 211 Chapter 7 Quiz 
PHSC 211 Chapter 8 Quiz 
PHSC 211 Chapter 9 Quiz 
PHSC 211 Chapter 10 Quiz 
PHSC 211 Chapter 11 Quiz
PHSC 211 Chapter 16 Quiz (Fall 2020)– Liberty University (A grade)

PHSC 211 Chapter 6 Quiz (Fall 2019)– Liberty University (A grade) | PHSC 211 Chapter 6 Quiz Fall 2019
- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2020
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1. A geologist observes two sandstones on opposite sides of a mountain belt. He notes that both are
made of quartz with a small amount of mica, and both show cross-bedding. His conclusion that these
are the same rocks is an example of Physical correlation.

2. When working among a group of bore holes drilled while searching for oil, a paleontologist discoverers
a species of foram (single-celled, shelled ocean creatures) in rocks from each bore hole. Though
the first is found in a shale, and the ...

PHSC 211 Chapter 1 Quiz (Fall 2020)– Liberty University (A grade)
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2021
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PHSC 211 Chapter 1 Quiz (Fall 2020)– Liberty 
University (A grade) 
34. The fingernail can scratch the mineral calcite. 
a. True 
b. False 
ans b 
35. The mineral scale of hardness was named after the famous scientist Von Verner. 
a. True 
b. False 
ans b 
36. Crystal shape refers to how a mineral breaks. 
a. True 
b. False 
ans b 
37. Halite has three plans of cleavage at 90°. 
a. True 
b. False 
ans a 
38. Biotite and muscovite have 1 plane of cleavage in common. 
a. True 
b. False 
ans a

PHSC 211 Chapter 5 Quiz (Fall 2020)– Liberty University (A grade) | Elements of Earth Science
- Exam (elaborations) • 9 pages • 2021
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PHSC 211 Chapter 5 Quiz (Fall 2020)– Liberty University (A grade) 
For questions 1-6, refer to the diagram above. 
1. What type of unconformity is located between B and E? 
a. Nonconformity 
b. Disconformity 
c. Angular unconformity 
d. Paraconformity 
2. What kind of unconformity is located between D and E? 
a. Nonconformity 
b. Disconformity 
c. Angular unconformity 
d. Paraconformity 
3. Which unit is oldest? 
a. A 
b. B 
c. C 
d. D 
e. E 
4. Which unit is youngest? 
a. A 
b. B 

PHSC 211 Chapter 13 Quiz (Fall 2020)– Liberty University (A grade) | Elements of Earth Science
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2021
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PHSC 211 Chapter 13 Quiz (Fall 2020)– Liberty University (A grade) 
1. According to Figure 13.2, what latitudes typically see an average annual heat gain? 
a. 20° N to 20° S 
b. 80° N to 80° S 
c. 60° N to 40° N 
d. Only the equator 
2. According to Figure 13.3, how much infrared heat radiation is emitted by clouds annually? 
a. 50% 
b. 71% 
c. 9% 
d. 12% 
3. On an annual basis, the amount of heat absorbed by the earth system ______________ the amount 
of heat emitted by the earth ...

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