12 travel and tourism - Guides d'étude, Notes de cours & Résumés
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REC 2100 Final Exam || with Errorless Solutions 100%.
- Examen • 20 pages • 2024
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- $13.29
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Toursim requires people with what? correct answers 1. ability- $ and time 
2. mobility- transport 
3. motivation- desire and determination to travel 
What is pre-industrial historical development? correct answers travel was traded, festivals, curiosity 
What are the 3 major civilizations that dominated in pre-industrial? correct answers 1. egyption influence- large cities, central gov't 
 influence- language spread, developed currency exchange 
3. roman influence- developed road and water w...

REC 2100 Final Exam Questions and Answers 100% Pass
- Examen • 38 pages • 2024
- $13.49
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REC 2100 Final Exam Questions and 
Answers 100% Pass 
Toursim requires people with what? - ANSWER-1. ability- $ and time 
2. mobility- transport 
3. motivation- desire and determination to travel 
What is pre-industrial historical development? - ANSWER-travel was traded, festivals, curiosity 
What are the 3 major civilizations that dominated in pre-industrial? - ANSWER-1. egyption influence- 
large cities, central gov't 
 influence- language spread, developed currency exchange 
3. roman influ...

REC 2100 || Already Graded A+.
- Examen • 7 pages • 2024
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- $10.39
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What is the importance of tourism economics? correct answers - Tourism spending 
- Canadians spending money in their own country 
- employment opportunities 
-travel deficit 
What is travel deficit? correct answers difference between what Canadian residents are spending outside of Canada then what international residents are spending in Canada 
what are the 12 reasons of Tourism Growth? correct answers 1. advancements in transportation system 
2. advancements in media coverage 
3. the intr...

- Examen • 33 pages • 2024
- $18.49
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1. Torts relating to misrepresented facts about a business's goods or services may be subject to a lawsuit 
on the basis of 
A. defamation. 
B. assault. 
C. intrusion. 
D. fraud. 
Aviation, taxation, and commerce are categories of ____________ law. 
A. judicial 
C. administrative 
B. legislative 
D. executive 
Which of the following is true regarding passenger rights in the air tra...

REC 2100 || A Verified A+ Pass.
- Examen • 7 pages • 2024
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- $10.29
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tourism requires people with correct answers ability 
3 major civilizations dominated (pre-industrial) correct answers 1. Egyptian influence 
2. greek influence 
3. roman influence 
Historical Development (4) correct answers 1. pre-industrial 
2. renaissance 
3. le grand tour 
4. industrial revolution 
renaissance correct answers rural to urban 
travel to learn 
wealth accumulation 
le grand tour correct answers development of elite class of statesmen 

Peur de manquer quelque chose ? Alors non !

HMGT Final Exam Questions and Answers 2024 Correctly done
- Examen • 3 pages • 2024
- Disponible en pack
- $9.69
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Examples of managed services - Answer-Airlines, military, schools, healthcare facilities, business & 
industry, leisure & recreation, conference centers, airports, travel plazas 
Name some of the biggest management companies - Answer-Compass, Aramark, Sodexo, Centerplate 
Why is it difficult to determine when tourism began? - Answer-Centuries ago, very few people travelled 
for pleasure or business as they do today 
Natural quest - Answer-People have always traveled! Curiosity has led people of ...

ravel and Tourism Final Exam LESSONS 8-14 with correct answers 2024
- Examen • 95 pages • 2024
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social and physical characteristics - answer-Ambience 
Environmental Perception 
Cognitive Map 
Geography of tourism 
Ambience - answer-Dynamic condition 
Understanding the tourism environment helps predict behavior 
Affected by people who move in and out of the atmosphere 
People adapt and respond to ambience 
Setting (smaller subset of the environment) - answer-Behavioral settings must include: People and 
Programs- orderly, planned...

Travel and Tourism exam with correct answers 2024.
- Examen • 12 pages • 2024
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To be tourists, travelers may be: 
A. Traveling for business purposes 
B. Traveling to set up a new business in another country 
C. Studying in a university for the freshman year 
D. All of the above are tourists - answer-A 
In the technical sense, travel is: 
A. A term that includes all movement of people 
B. Undertaken for financial, military, personal business, or enjoyment purposes 
C. Not distinguishable from tourism 
D. Is mainly just a fun trip 
E. All of the above - answer-C 
A p...

Paper 3 Research (10/12/23) 100% ACCURATE!!
- Examen • 13 pages • 2024
- $14.99
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Customer tastes preferences and ethical considerations in the clothing market - ANSWER- The fashion industry has never been so uncertain as geopolitical upheaval climate challenges and inflation has kept markets unsteady 
- The new challenges in a post covid climate directly impact consumer confidence 
- Industry experts are divided with their expectations for 2024 with 26% anticipating an improvement and 38% predicting worsening conditions 
- The forecast for industry growth is 2% to 4% with po...

Hospitality Revenue Management final Exam review Questions And Answers| Already Graded A+| Latest Update.
- Examen • 16 pages • 2025
- $11.49
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Hospitality Revenue Management final Exam 
review Questions And Answers| Already 
Graded A+| Latest Update. 
What is the industry term used to describe the sum of prices paid by a business's customers? - 
Answertotal revenues 
Historically, what concept have hospitality managers chiefly used to calculate their selling 
prices? - Answercosts 
What is an algebraic equivalent of the formula: Sales = Costs + Profit? - Answerprofit=sales- 

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