Bio 202 lesson 9 quiz - Studienführer, Klassennotizen & Zusammenfassungen
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Bio 202 Lesson 9 Quiz well answered to pass
- Prüfung • 3 Seiten • 2024
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Bio 202 Lesson 9 Quiz well answered to pass 
Which of the following is a term representing metabolic reactions in which enzymes split macro molecules into smaller molecules - correct answer Chemical digestion 
What is the mucous membrane that secures the tongue to the floor of the mouth - correct answer lingual frenulum 
What structure is continuous with the esophagus - correct answer laryngopharynx 
Which of the following describes the esophagus - correct answer no chemical digestion or a...

BIO 202 Arizona State University -Bio 202 Lesson 9 Quiz well answered graded A+
- Prüfung • 3 Seiten • 2024
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BIO 202 Arizona State University -Bio 202 Lesson 9 Quiz well answered graded A+Which of the following is a term representing metabolic reactions in which enzymes split macro molecules into smaller molecules - correct answer Chemical digestion 
What is the mucous membrane that secures the tongue to the floor of the mouth - correct answer lingual frenulum 
What structure is continuous with the esophagus - correct answer laryngopharynx 
Which of the following describes the esophagus - correct...

Bio 202 Lesson 9 Quiz fully solved
- Prüfung • 3 Seiten • 2024
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Bio 202 Lesson 9 Quiz 
Which of the following is a term representing metabolic reactions in which enzymes split macro molecules into smaller molecules - correct answer Chemical digestion 
What is the mucous membrane that secures the tongue to the floor of the mouth - correct answer lingual frenulum 
What structure is continuous with the esophagus - correct answer laryngopharynx 
Which of the following describes the esophagus - correct answer no chemical digestion or absorption 
What regu...

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