Cosmetolog 101 - Study guides, Class notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Cosmetolog 101? On this page you'll find 4 study documents about Cosmetolog 101.
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COSMETOLOG 101 Cos-_Chapter_23_Facials | Complete Updated Answered Solution guide 2023.
- Exam (elaborations) • 8 pages • 2023
- $10.49
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Chapter 23: Facials 
Cosmetologists should study and have an understanding of facials because providing skin care 
services help clients relax, knowing the basics of skin care will enable you to provide advice 
when asked, knowing the basics will help you recognize conditions that may need a 
physician’s care, learning the basic will allow you to perform the foundational services, and 
you may enjoy it so much you decide to specialize in skin care. 

COSMETOLOG 101 exam review >Milady Exam Review
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2023
- $9.49
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Milady Exam Review 
Pronator Extensor muscles that turn the hand inward so the palm faces downward are 
Zygomatic bones The cheekbones are also called the Malar bones or 
Tesla high-frequency The type of current that should not be used on clients who are pregnant, have 
high blood pressure, or have a pacemaker is 
All of the above (excretion, heat regulation, sensation) Which of the following is a function of the 
Amino acids The units of structure that build protein and are joined togeth...

- Exam (elaborations) • 1 pages • 2023
- $9.49
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Chapter 4 
Tardy __ clients can greatly affect the Salon flow, causing setbacks in appointments and making 
stylists late for other clients 
Communication __ is effectively the basis of all long-lasting relationships with clients and 
Positive attitude A proactive method of moving towards a successful career is to approach each 
employee evaluation with a __ 
Respect As you interact and communicate with fellow coworkers, remember to treat everyone 
with __ 
5-15 minutes How much time ...

COSMETOLOG 101 chapter 2 | Complete Updated Answered Solution guide 2023.
- Other • 1 pages • 2023
- $10.49
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Chapter 2 
Life skills Developing exceptional communication, decision making, image building, customer 
service, goal setting, and time management are examples of ____________, which can help build a 
successful professional foundation. 
Self esteem _______________ is based on inner strength and begins with trusting your ability to 
reach your goals. 
Maintain a positive self image Investing time and energy into activities that help you feel good 
about yourself will help you to ________________...

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