Nurs 3320 med surg exam - Studienführer, Klassennotizen & Zusammenfassungen
Suchst du nach den besten Studienführern, Studiennotizen und Zusammenfassungen über Nurs 3320 med surg exam? Auf dieser Seite findest du 7 Studienunterlagen zu Nurs 3320 med surg exam.
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NURS 3320 Med surg- Exam 1 BluePrint 
NURS 3320 Med surg- Exam 1 BluePrint 
NURS 3320 Med surg- Exam 1 BluePrint

NURS 3320 MED SURG EXAM 1, 2 & 3_2022/2023 – Northeastern University
- Paket-deal • 3 Sachen • 2021
- $26.99
- 2x verkauft
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NURS 3320 MED SURG EXAM 1 {2022/23} – Northeastern University 
NURS 3320 MED SURG EXAM 2 {2022/23} – Northeastern University 
NURS 3320 MED SURG EXAM 3 {2022/23} – Northeastern University

NURS 3320 MED SURG EXAM 2)2022/2023 – Northeastern University | NURS3320 MED SURG EXAM 2
- Prüfung • 42 Seiten • 2021
- Im Paket-Deal erhältlich
- $14.99
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NURS 3320 MED SURG EXAM 1 _2022/2023 – Northeastern University | NURS3320 MED SURG EXAM 1
- Prüfung • 49 Seiten • 2021
- Im Paket-Deal erhältlich
- $14.99
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NURS 3320 MED SURG EXAM 1 – Northeastern University 
Module 1: Pain 
Pain Management 
•	Pain is #1 reason to seek medical care 
•	What is pain 
•	What are the different types of pain 
•	How ill you assess, treat, and reassess 
•	What are the nursing implications for managing pain 
The Fundamental concepts 
•	Acute: tissue damage as a result of surgery, trauma, or burns (expected to have relatively short duration and resolve with normal healing 
•	Chronic: (...

NURS 3320 MED SURG EXAM 3_2022/2023 | NURS3320 MED SURG EXAM 3_Northeastern University
- Prüfung • 80 Seiten • 2021
- Im Paket-Deal erhältlich
- $14.99
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NURS 3320 MED SURG EXAM 3 – Northeastern University 
Medical Surgery 
Exam 3 
Neurological Disorders 
Management of Patient’s with Neurological Disorders 
Level of Consciousness (LOC) 
•	Alert and oriented 
o	Oriented to person, place, time 
o	Are they able to follow commands 
o	Do they need consistent stimuli 
•	There is a continuum 
o	Where are they 
o	Confused, drowsy, coma 
•	May begin with subtle changes 
o	May begin with restlessness or anxiety 
•	Mental status, cranial n...

NURS 3320 - Med surg- Exam 1 BluePrint.
- Prüfung • 44 Seiten • 2021
- $15.79
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NURS 3320 - Med surg- Exam 1 BluePrint/NURS 3320 - Med surg- Exam 1 BluePrint. 
Remember to concentrate on nursing management – what does the nurses need to do? How does the nurse assess? What are the clinical manifestations? How does the nurse know the patient has responded to treatment? 
Diabetes: % range for questions = 15-21% 
•	Describe the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, and collaborative care of persons with diabetes. 
•	Hgba1c measures average blood glucose over time ...
NURS 3320 Med surg- Exam 1 BluePrint

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