Nurs 634 soap note 3 - Studienführer, Klassennotizen & Zusammenfassungen

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NURS 634 SOAP NOTE 3  Cardiovascular History and Physical Examination
  • NURS 634 SOAP NOTE 3 Cardiovascular History and Physical Examination

  • Fallstudie • 16 Seiten • 2021
  • SOAP # 3: Cardiovascular APN, PNP-AC UMASS History & Physical Examination Patient Demographics: Name: A.B. Age/race/sex: 47 Hispanic Female Clinical site: Primary Care clinic SUBJECTIVE DATA Chief Complaints: “My feet have been really swollen and painful since about Sunday. It hurts to just put on my shoes and walk for long periods of time”. History of Present Illness: Ms. B a 69 y/o female with a long-standing his...
  • $16.80
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