Preguntas 1 410 paginas - Study guides, Class notes & Summaries

Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Preguntas 1 410 paginas? On this page you'll find 3 study documents about Preguntas 1 410 paginas.

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HEALTH PROMOTION (31) Total General 888 preguntas 1 410 paginas HACER BUENO
  • HEALTH PROMOTION (31) Total General 888 preguntas 1 410 paginas HACER BUENO

  • Exam (elaborations) • 410 pages • 2022
  • Question: 10- A patient who is 62 years old asks if she can get the shingles vaccine. She has never had shingles but states that she wants to make sure she doesn’t get it. What should the nurse practitioner advise? The immunization will protect you from acquiring shingles. You are not old enough to receive the immunization. The immunization is offered only to those who have had shingles. You are eligible to receive it but you still may get shingles. Correct. .................................
  • Meeany
  • $18.49
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NURSING>HEALTH PROMOTION (31) Total General 888 preguntas 1 410 paginas HACER BUENO
  • NURSING>HEALTH PROMOTION (31) Total General 888 preguntas 1 410 paginas HACER BUENO

  • Exam (elaborations) • 410 pages • 2023
  • NURSING>HEALTH PROMOTION (31) Total General 888 preguntas 1 410 paginas HACER BUENO Question: 57- Bone mineral density screening in women older than 65 years is an example of: primary prevention. secondary prevention. Correct tertiary prevention. quaternary prevention. Explanation: Secondary prevention is evidenced by the early detection of disease in a patient. Bone mineral density screening is intended to identify women (or men) who may have decreased bone density but who are asym...
  • Peeany
  • $19.49
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	HEALTH PROMOTION (31) Total General	888 preguntas  1 410 paginas HACER BUENO
  • HEALTH PROMOTION (31) Total General 888 preguntas 1 410 paginas HACER BUENO

  • Exam (elaborations) • 410 pages • 2021
  • Total General 888 preguntas HEALTH PROMOTION (31) 1- A 58-year-old patient has an annual exam. A fecal occult blood test was used to screen for colon cancer. Three were ordered on separate days. The first test was positive; the last two were negative. How should the nurse practitioner proceed? Explanation: . 2 -A criterion for medication choice in an older adult is: Explanation: 3- What should the nurse practitioner recommend to any elder taking medications? Explanation: ...
  • docguru
  • $16.49
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