Socs 185n assignment - Samenvattingen en Aantekeningen
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SOCS-185N Week 5 Assignment: Pre-Writing Map for the You Decide Census Paper

SOCS 185N Week 7 Assignment: Team Project (GRADED A)
- Overig • 8 pagina's • 2023
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Instructions For the team project, you are required to create a narrated PowerPoint presentation with audio and/or video within the PowerPoint. The goal of this activity is for the team members to discover and to present what they have in common with each other in a sociological context. The presentation must include the following: Introductions: One member can introduce the others, or each member can introduce himself/herself. Introduce each team member as a sociologist might, detailing family,...

SOCS 185N Week 5 Assignment: Essay – You Decide – U.S. Census
- Essay • 6 pagina's • 2023
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Instructions In this week’s lesson, you learned about the U.S. Census Bureau’s most recent racial and ethnic categories. For this assignment, consider the racial and ethnic categories used i n the 2010 Census with the four racial, ethnic, and gender categories used in the 1790 Census: Free white males, free white females, all other free persons, slaves (Pew Research Center, 2015). Analyze the concepts of race, ethnicity, and gender as social constructs, just as sociologists do, by addressing...

SOCS 185N Week 1 Sociological Imagination Pre-Writing Map (GRADED A) Course SOC 185 Institution Chamberlain College Of Nursing Instructions The textbook reading for the week explores social forces that can affect the seemingly private act of suicide. For
- Overig • 1 pagina's • 2023
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SOCS 185N Week 1 Sociological Imagination Pre-Writing Map (GRADED A) 
SOC 185 
Chamberlain College Of Nursing 
Instructions The textbook reading for the week explores social forces that can affect the seemingly private act of suicide. For this assignment, conduct scholarly research on a different private or individualistic act that could be regarded as a broader social problem or social issue, something other than suicide. You may choose one of the following or a topic of yo...

SOCS-185N Week 1 Assignment: Sociological Imagination Essay – Domestic Violence
- Essay • 5 pagina's • 2023
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Instructions The textbook reading for the week explores social forces that can affect the seemingly private act of suicide. For this assignment, conduct scholarly research on a different private or individualistic act that could be regarded as a broader social problem or social issue, something other than suicide. You may choose one of the following or a topic of your own: Homelessness Veteran homelessness Domestic violence Addiction Obesity In an essay, address the following: Determine how the ...

SOCS 185N Week 1 Assignment: Sociological Imagination Essay – Addiction(GRADED A)
- Essay • 5 pagina's • 2023
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Instructions The textbook reading for the week explores social forces that can affect the seemingly private act of suicide. For this assignment, conduct scholarly research on a different private or individualistic act that could be regarded as a broader social problem or social issue, something other than suicide. You may choose one of the following or a topic of your own: Homelessness Veteran homelessness Domestic violence Addiction Obesity In an essay, address the following: Determine how the ...

SOCS 185N Week 6 Assignment: Sociological Theory & Trends in Family Life (GRADED A)
- Case uitwerking • 7 pagina's • 2023
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Instructions Choose one question from each of the question sets below (2 sets total). In other words, you will be answering two questions total (1 from each set). Question Set 1 Briefly compa re and contrast structural-functionalist, social-conflict, and symbolic-interactionist approaches in their analyses of health and health care, generally, and, in particular in their analyses of disability. How do concepts such as the sick-role model, role ambiguity, and subordinate groups help sociologists ...

SOCS 185N Week 2 Assignment: Sociological Imagination & Socialization
- Case uitwerking • 4 pagina's • 2023
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is a veteran and just found himself homeless. Examine and explain some of the broad social forces that may have contributed to his homelessness. How will the sociological imagination help understand his situation? Arty Fischel is a college student. He was a good student in high school and received a sizable scholarship to go to college. That scholarship, however, does not cover all of Art … expenses. Arty now must take out a sizeable loan each year of college for his school expenses. Is this o...

SOCS 185N Week 4 Assignment: Social Class & Inequality (GRADED A)
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 3 pagina's • 2023
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Instructions Choose one question from each of the question sets below (2 sets total). In other words, you will … answering two questions total (1 from each set). Question Set 1 Explain the difference between income inequality and wealth inequality in the United States. Explain the racial wealth gap. What is social stratification? Examine four common ways or systems in which groups have become stratified. How does race or ethnicity play a role in the stratification? Briefly compare and contrast...

SOCS 185N Week 1 Assignment; Sociological Imagination Essay
- Overig • 5 pagina's • 2022
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- $17.49
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Required Resources 
Read/review the following resources for this activity: 
•	Textbook: Chapter 1 
•	Lesson 
•	Minimum of 3 outside scholarly sources 
The textbook reading for the week explores social forces that can affect the seemingly private act of suicide. For this assignment, conduct scholarly research on a different private or individualistic act that could be regarded as a broader social problem or social issue, something other than suicide. You may choose one of the ...

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